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The second half of this chapter is kinda spicy. Enjoy <3


After staying the night and most of Tuesday in the hospital, I was able to be discharged. The car ride home was filled with silence, other than the passive aggressive sighs one of my parents let out every now and again.

The rest of the week didn't get much easier.

The nights I ate dinner with my family were a mess. My parents and younger sister would stare at me, tracking every bite I ate. A few times, my mom has made comments on how I 'faked passing out' and that I 'eat and drink perfectly fine'. I don't reply because there's nothing I can say.

When Tate and Justin asked about my hospital stay, I told them I cried too much and lost my appetite due to heartbreak. Technically, I didn't lie to them. I just didn't mention that puking and starving also contributed to my hospitalization.

Dayanara hasn't asked much about what happened, nor do I think she cares. She rather bring up Jamal every other minute or complain about school. To be quite honest, I'm considering distancing myself from her. I've never thought of doing that in our over a decade of being best friends, but she's pissing me off.

On a brighter note, Diego and I picked up right where we left off before his episode and our argument. Though we have yet to talk about labeling our relationship, we're doing really well.

He has been helping me more than I imagined with my eating. After dinner, we call until I fall asleep. Once or twice, I have puked parts of my dinner, but I don't let Diego know that. Other than my couple of purges, I've been eating smaller portions and keeping them down. Eating less makes me feel mentally better, especially because I don't feel fullness.

I'm not sure how he did it, but Diego managed to convince my mom to allow me to stay the entire weekend at his house. He came to my home, talked to my parents for an hour, made them laugh multiple times, and got their blessing. I'm sure him staying with me at the hospital gave them a good view of him.

"So, what are we doing this weekend?"

A smirk spreads across Diego's face, his eyes flickering from the road to me. "You'll find out." He adds, "No one's home, by the way."

Why is his family never home? I'm used to it by now, but dang, they leave a lot. Growing up, Diego's parents were always present. I didn't realize how much things have changed since his mom passed.

"That's fine." At least we won't have to worry about locking the bedroom door or sneaking kisses. "Can you give me a hint?"

Diego hums in thought, pulling into his empty driveway. His hand leaves my knee so he can park and turn off the vehicle. "We're going on an adventure tomorrow."

My eyes widen with excitement, "an adventure?" Diego smiles and nods before unbuckling. He leaves the truck, and before I can even unbuckle, he is opening the door for me. "What kinda adventure?"

"I'm not telling you. It's a surprise." Diego grabs my bag of belongings and shuts the passenger door once I'm out. I thank the boy, my heart warming at the kind gestures. "I meant to ask earlier, but did you want to pick dinner? I figured you'd feel better if you chose what you wanted and are okay with."

Diego's consideration makes my knees wobble as I go up the porch steps. Although I don't want to think about food right now, I've already mentally prepared myself with the fact that I'm going to be eating a lot this weekend. All I can do is hope it goes well.

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