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This chapter is kinda everywhere--

Semi edited</3


For the rest of Winter break, I spent my mentally preparing myself for my last semester of high school.

It's surreal to me that I'm so close to being finished. Everything I've been working towards is about to all be worth it. All the hours I spent crying and destroying myself over grades will pay off. Or at least I hope so.

Nearly every night, Diego and I have called and talked about the randomest of things. I think it's gotten to a point where I can't fall asleep without his lovely voice. Oh how I can listen to him all night long and never get tired of it.

When school started again, I was scared Diego wouldn't even look at me during the day. However, the morning we came back to school, Diego asked if we could meet up by our lockers so he could see me. Seeing the message warmed my heart inside and out.

"We haven't had a class together since elementary school," Diego points out while glancing at my schedule. Since it's a new semester, most people's electives have switched around, including mine. At least I have an extra class with Tate, so there's that.

I glance over Diego's schedule, huffing. We take a few of the same classes, but they aren't in the same period. If only I could switch around some classes so we had some together. "You play the guitar?"

Diego nods while handing me back my schedule. A moment later, the bell rings. I almost frown at the noise that's interrupting our time together. If I could, I'd spend the entire school day talking to Diego and dismissing any assignments.

Before I can bid Diego goodbye, he offers, "can I walk you to class?"

My heart melts into a big puddle and a sappy smile spreads across my face. Why is he the sweetest boy ever? "Won't you be late?"

Diego waves my worry off, "It's CNA, she doesn't care."

For the rest of the school day, Diego and I find ways to see each other between periods. In the classes I could use my phone, we texted and checked in on each other. Multiple times, I find myself silently giggling or blushing at text messages.

At the end of the day, I briefly talk to Diego. Unfortunately, he has basketball practice, so we can't talk for too long. My mood begins to drop and turn gloomy knowing that I won't see him until tomorrow. Though we'll text and maybe call later, not being in his presence sucks.

"I'll see in an hour or so."

I almost gasp in remembrance. Oh my gosh, how could I have forgotten that I work with Diego? So this means I get to see him at school, AND after. This is the greatest thing ever. "Have fun at practice."

Diego sends me a loving smile before walking off. I huff at his loss of energy, but remind myself I'll see him soon. In fact, I'll see him for many hours and will be around him so much.

I leave school and go to the house I am assigned to. Dayanara is already inside and taping outlets and window sills. Not wanting to disturb the room she's in, I go into a different one to start taping it off.

About an hour passes by before Dayanara and I are in the same room and painting together. It's not until now that I realize I am in a room with my best friend. My best friend who I kissed the brother of.

Does she know about Diego and I? Should I tell her? Should I tell her about the kisses, phone calls, and texts we send each other? Would she be mad?

I can't lie to her. I'm such a shitty best friend for keeping something like this from her. How can she stand being next to me when I'm radiating dishonesty?

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