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This chapter is a bit everywhere so enjoy😭


Getting a boner in class is one of my biggest fears. And unfortunately, that fear may come true.

As I'm completely sucked into my book, I don't care about anything else around me. I forget that I'm in a classroom and sitting next to Tate and Justin. The scene becomes more intense and erotic, and I cannot bring myself look away.

I don't notice the light buzzing my phone makes beside me. How can I care about my phone at a time like this? My legs are squeezed together and I can feel heat threatening to travel in places it should.

"Smith, someone is blowing up your damn phone."

Before I can process what's happening, Tate peaks at my phone. His eyes widen before he snatches it from the table. Within a millisecond, I realize. I realize why my phone has buzzed a million times. I realize that my phone is facing up. I realize that my best friend is holding my phone right now.

"Oh my gosh, wait, don't read it."

But I'm too late.

Tate's mouth parts as he stares at the screen. Justin furrows his eyebrows at all the commotion before glancing behind his boyfriend's shoulder. A moment later, he shares the same shocked expression as Tate. Both have eyes larger than saucers and jaws are to the floor.

This can't be happening. Kylie must've sent something weird, or Dayanara did, right? It's not what I think it is. It can't be. It's not.

Oh, but by the looks of the boys faces, we all know that it's not just some silly texts from my sister or Dayanara.

An awkward, long moment of silence fills the air. Tate blinks at my phone screen for a moment before clearing his throat. "Are you and Diego..." He doesn't finish the sentence that he whispers out.

I don't reply because I can't. I can't physically bring myself to speak. I can't believe this is fucking happening in the middle of class. I can't believe I'm so stupid to let this happen.

In a panic, I blurt out, "I'm going to the bathroom."


"Can I have my phone, please?" Tate immediately hands me back the device, still in shock by what he saw on it. I mumble out a 'thanks' before leaving my seat. Luckily, the teacher allows us to leave without asking since we're seniors, so I'm able to freely walk out.

The second I am in the hallway and alone, a loud and shaky breath leaves my mouth. That did not just happen. There is no way in hell that actually happened. Will either of the boys tell someone? What is Diego going to think? Will he be upset with he? Oh my gosh, I just outed him, didn't I? He's going to hate me.

I check the messages Diego sent me that my best friends saw. There's no way I can cover this. Friends don't send each other a billion hearts, call each other darling and pretty boy, and talk about missing the others lips. And do all of that within the span of 5 minutes.

Without answering what Diego sent earlier, I asks him;

Me- r u busy in class rn?
10:13 am

Thankfully, Diego doesn't take long to respond. Texting him soothes my panicked state, but also worsens it.

Diego❤️- No, I'm just playing scrabble with Kieth
10:14 am

Diego❤️- Why? Is everything okay?
10:14 am

Me- can we meet somewhere?
10:14 am

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