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"The girl in the dress"

I lay on my stomach on Kie's bed, watching through the mirror as she finishes her make up. I was only five minutes late, which I'm pretty proud of, and it turned out to be perfect since Kie was not quite ready with herself yet. I had had time to take a quick shower and dry my hair. She had insisted to do my makebup and hair, even though I would've been perfectly fine with doing it myself. But I still agreed. It seemed to be important to her and I had no problem with it.

"Okay I'm ready", Kie stands up and turns around, showing me her face.

"Ooh, so pretty", I smile as she closes her eyes and places her head on her hands.

"Thanks", she smiles too. "But I still feel like this is pretentious and stupid."

"Oh, shut up. We should enjoy this while we can." I stand up from the bed and walk to the mirror to sit in front of it.

"You should enjoy this while you can. I have power and warm water and I'm even able to use my phone. Every day." Kie follows behind me and starts to look for something from the little box on the floor, where she keeps all her makeup and stuff. I really don't mind that we don't have power or water or my phone, but it still reminds me that I can charge my phone here.

"Can I burrow your charger?" I ask but plug my phone in before she even answers.

"Yeah, sure", Kie answers still looking for things from her box.

I wait for a while if my phone would open already but Kie tells me to go back to the mirror before it does. She has placed plenty of products to the floor next to the mirror and is waiting for me there.

"Um, Kie", I watch carefully at each thing as I sit down. "Don't do too much, okay? Just something small."

I didn't wear too much makeup normally. Not because I wouldn't want to, but it's the same as with straightening my hair. I love how it looks, but I get in water at least three times a day, it won't last so I don't waste my time on it. Also those products are expensive, and as we all know, I don't have too much money to spend.

"Just trust me, you'll look amazing", Kie smiles. "I know what I'm doing."

"I sure hope so", I say only half joking.

She just rolls her eyes. "Um, you said you were at the police station?" She asks after a while.

"Mhm", I answer, looking through the mirror as she works.

"Was JJ okay?"

"I suppose. He said he was, and they let him go when I was still there. I had to hurry here so I didn't talk much with him, but his dad came to pick him up", I tell her.

"Okay, that's good", after a moment she continues again. "Pope finally told me what you did."

"It was a fair revenge", I shrug, feeling like I should explain or defend our doings to her. Which was not true, of course.

"I know, he told me about that too."

After that she continues her work in silence. The remaining bruise that was on my cheek was already covered, and my skin looked clearer than ever. Either Kie was really good, or the products I've used really are shit.

Someone to stay || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now