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"The boat"

I woke up on the couch with a heavy arm around my waist. I don't need to turn my head to know it belongs to JJ, who is peacefully sleeping on my other side. Carefully I try get up without waking him up, but when I try to push his arm off his hold just tightens around me.

"JJ", I wishper sharply enough for him to hear me but not enough to fully wake him up.

JJ mumbles something indistinct as a reply but doesn't let me go.

"JJ", I say again, louder, trying to push his arm off me not so carefully anymore.

A little smile grows to the boy's face as he pulls me closer to himself. "What?" He whispers still half asleep.

"Let go of me", I whisper sharply but can't help the smile from growing to my lips as well.

"Hmm", he mumbles as if thinking about it. "No."

"How about yes?" I ask, getting a little frustrated with him. Honestly, I have nothing against the idea of staying next to him a little longer but I'd also like to get to my phone. Just to check if everyone got through the storm.

There are footsteps coming from John B's room and a moment later he steps out of his room.

"Help me", I say pointing towards JJ next to me but the moment John B turns his eyes towards us JJ's arm leaves my waist and he turns to his other side, his warmth leaving my body.

John B looks at me confused. "Nothing", I say sitting up.

"Yo, JJ, you been outside?" He asks JJ as he walks past the couch towards the porch.

"I have polio, bro. I can't walk", JJ mumbles tiredly, already slipping back to sleep. John B's already outside, probably checking the damage that the storm has caused.

"Polio?" I raise my eyebrows at JJ.

"Mmhm", he murmurs, turning back to me with his eyes still closed.

"I see", I roll my eyes and get up, going to check my phone. I left it on the charger in the kitchen over night but when I open it I see it's only charged like ten percent since last night. The service is down too, so even if someone did send me a message telling me they're alright, I wouldn't receive it. For some reason I was hoping for a message from mom, but maybe she didn't even send one. After yesterday it wouldn't be a suprise.

I walk around the kitchen for a while trying get a signal but still, nothing. I see John B cleaning HMS pogue, his boat, outside from the window and since the phone doesn't seem to get signal I follow him outside.

The scenery outside isn't as beautyful as it was the day before. Agatha really did some damage here. A big tree has fallen near the water and there are branches and loose soil everywhere.

"This is not good", I say when I reach the boat.

"Hell no." He picks up another spring and throws it towards the forest near by.

"No power?"

"Or service. Guess we have to change the plans for the summer", he says sarcastically as he takes another look to the messy backyard.

No service or power, that's great. In the summer it doesn't matter so much, but I'd always prefer warm shower over a cold one.

"Agatha did some work, huh?" JJ says from the porch. He's already sipping a beer and it's like nine in the morning. But who am I to judge? I'd definitely take a sip if he offered it to me. Actually he wouldn't even have to offer it, I would take it anyway.

Someone to stay || JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now