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"I'm taking you home."

"Kate!" I hear someone yell from the crowd. It doesn't take me long to notice who had just called my name.

"Lilian!" I laugh as a tall, blonde haired girl is running towards me and Liam. I take a few steps towards her but she's already hugging me tight.

"Oh, god I've missed you", she says still hugging me.

"Me too", I smile against her. I didn't realise it, but I've really missed them a lot. I kept pushing that feeling away and now that they're finally here, it just kind of came back.

I pull out of the hug and look at Lilian. She still has long blonde hair that reaches far below her shoulders. Only now it's pin straight, even though I could've sworn that she had the most beautiful curls when I last saw her. Her eyes are just as brown as Liam's, and she has gotten taller too.

I feel her doing same kind of scan to me. "You've grown out your hair. It looks really great", she says.

My hand automatically goes to brush through the ends of my hair. "So does yours", I answer. "But I did also love your curls."

"I guess the city life changes you", she laughs. "I can straighten my hair now that it doesn't get wet every five seconds. But I'm happy you have kept your waves."

"Yeah", I smile. I feel like I'm smiling too much but I just can't stop.

"I see you already met Liam, so he has probably told you all the drama, but let's get drinks and catch up?" Lilian asks, already heading towards the kegger.

"I'll see you around", Liam gives me a small, awkward wave before he turns to go.

"Right, see you", I say, returning the wave just as awkwardly as he did before running after Lilian. She has gotten tall and apparently fast too because she's already at the kegger when I finally get to her.

"Here", she hands me a cup. "So, what has happened? You still hangout with those boys you used talk about all the time?"

"JJ and John B?" I take a sip. "Yep, still with them. What about you? Did you find new friends easily?"

"It was hard at first", she admits. "But soon enough I did. Our school is quite big compared to our school here and so it was pretty scary at first. But it's so amazing, I love it there. But I miss the ocean though."

"Really? Liam said it wasn't exactly like in the movies?" I say in an asking tone. "But I understand you're longing for the ocean. I miss it whenever we go to visit mom's family and I'm only gone for like two weeks."

"Well, Liam doesn't like anything", she rolls her eyes and adds a little more annoyed, "And even if we're twins-"

"You don't have the same mind, I know", I finish her sentence. She used to say that a lot. It annoyed her so much when people assumed things about her just because of her brother. They both hated their names, or not the names but the way they were so similar. Liam and Lilian. They really hated that.

"Mmh", she smiles to me as she answers. "But speaking of Liam, did he ask anything from you?"

"Uhh, well, the usual 'how are you'."

"Oh, I thought he was supposed to ask you out-", Her eyes widen as she realises what she said. "No, wait! I ruined the suprise."

"No, no. He did ask me out. I just didn't know he already told you", I say. Liam had already talked to Lilian about this?

"Well..?" She asked impatient.


"What did you answer!"

Someone to stay || JJ MaybankTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang