chapter 23

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Maya had woken up bright and early on Saturday morning. The barbecue at the Noon's house had been nice, the girl had taken to Madison almost immediately. The blonde girl had been very friendly to her. As had Diane and Patrick.

But what had gotten the girl out of bed, was the fact that Penelope had come to New Jersey for the weekend, which meant that she's finally be able to see her blonde best friend again.

The brunette girl had received her friends message a few minutes after she had woken up, her phone screen lighting up with a notification, reading 'Just arrived in nj, we've got to meet up'

She had practically jumped out of bed, telling Penelope to come over to her house whenever she was able to. The girl made sure she had finished all of her weekend assignments, so that she'd have the whole day to spend with the blonde girl.

After taking the quickest shower in the history of showers, she made her way down stairs to make herself breakfast. Maya always made breakfast for Penelope too whenever she visited, even though she knew the blonde girl had probably already eaten before coming over. It was one of her many love languages.

While the brunette girl was eating her piece of toast, there was a knock at the door, making the girl jump out of her seat, running to answer it. Once Maya had opened the door, she practically launched herself into the blonde girl arms, squealing.

"Gosh P, I've missed you so much. It's so good to see you again." The brunette was clingy by nature, but only with the right people, one of the them being Penelope.

The girl hugged her back, both of the swaying side to side in the embrace. "Missed you too, M." Penelope smiled as she pulled away, getting a good look at her best friends face, "You look...brighter, Maya."


"You look happier Maya, you're glowing." The girl added as they stepped into the house. Maya smiled as her friends compliment. Could it be considered a compliment?

The two girl walked into the living room, settling down on the sofa. The blonde girl took Maya's hands in hers, "How are you?" The girl questioned softly. She knew Maya hated those types of questions. They were like the final strand snapping, letting everything fall. But Maya kept her composure, even with everything around her, everything going on inside her head, she couldn't let herself cry.

"I'm fine P. I'm happier than I've ever been. Mum and dad have been away most of the time so I've been alright." She smiled at her best friend.

Penelope raised an eyebrow, "You actually answered my question instead of dodging it? Are you feeling okay? Are you sick?" The girl joked a she held the back of hand up to Maya's forehead, both of the girls bursting into laughter.

Amongst their laughter, Allie came downstairs, wondering what all the noise was. As she ascended down the stairs, she came to see her sister and Penelope sat on the sofa, talking and laughing with each other.

"Penelope, I didn't expect to see you here this early." The girl spoke up as she approached them. The two girl turned towards the source of the voice, smiling when they saw the older girl.

"Allie, hi. I'm sorry, I just couldn't wait to see Maya." The girl got up off the sofa, going to greet the girl. After they shared a quick embrace, Allie looked at the blonde girl, "How have you been? Are your parents well?" The girl questioned.

Once the two girls had had a quick chat, Penelope returned to the sofa, plopping herself down next to the brunette girl again. "So, tell me, how're things with Brady?" Maya already knew she was going to be interrogate about the boy, but there really wasn't much to say.

Maya shrugged, "Everything's fine. We're friends." The girl answered. Deep down she wished that maybe they would be more than friends, but she would never admit ti out loud.

"Maya, I adore you, but sometimes you are truly oblivious." The blonde girl said as she looked at her best friend, who wore a confused expression on her face, "Just from all the small things you've told me he's said and done, that boy can't possibly see you as just a friend."

She let those words sink in, thinking back on all the interaction the two had had.

"He did say he had thought about me wearing a dress, but that doesn't mean anything." The squeak that left Penelope's lips made the brunette girl return back to reality, her eyes widening, "Shit I said that out loud didn't I?" The girl covered her face with her hands, her cheeks suddenly way too hot for her liking.

"Yes you did. What do you mean he 'thought about you wearing a dress'?" Penelope inquired, looking at her best friend intently.

Maya sighed, "He came to pick me up yesterday to go to his house for dinner, and he said, and I quote 'you look really pretty, prettier than I imagined' and me, being the big mouth I am, asked him if he had imagined seeing me in a dress, and he said he would be lying if she said he hadn't." The brunette girl breathed out as she finished speaking. The bewildered look on Penelope's face made the girl laugh, waving hand infant off the girls face, to bring her attention back.

"So you're telling me, that he admitted to you that he's thought about you in a dress, was completely okay with you kissing his cheek, gives you his jacket when you're cold, is always flirting with you, and you think he only sees you as a friend?! Maya he's clearly in love with you and you're in love with him!"


Maybe I am.


authors note
i'm british so for me its sofa instead of couch, and mum instead of mom :)
sorry for not updating in so long, but i've finally finished my midterm essay so regular uploading is back!
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