chapter 12

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Brady rounded the car to open the door for the brunette girl, giving her a small smile. Once they were both inside the car, Maya spoke up, "Are you going to tell me where we're going Brady?" The girl looked at the brown haired boy sat beside her, casting him a questioning glance.

The boy laughed as he shook his head, "You'll see once we get there pretty girl. Now why don't you control the music." Brady handed his phone to the girl before starting the car and driving out of the Carson's driveway.

The girls mind went blank for a few second due to the unexpected use of the nickname, again. Heat rose to the girls cheeks, but she quickly returned to reality, looking down at the boys phone in her hands. "The passcode is 159357." Brady spoke up as he noticed the girls hesitant manner. She seemed to physically relax, typing in the boys passcode and accessing the Spotify app.

After a few minutes of scrolling through the boys playlists, Maya settled on a playlist called 'Peace&Life' which has songs by artists like SZA, Olivia Rodrigo, J. Cole and Kanye West.

The song 'Nobody Gets Me' started playing, a smile appearing on the boys face. Maya sat back in her seat, watching the houses and people flash by.

"You're awfully quiet Maya, are you okay?" Brady asked as he looked at the girl worriedly for a few seconds.

The brunette girl turned her head to look at the boy, "Yes I'm fine, sorry, I just got stuck in my head." She gave the boy a small smile, but he didn't seem completely reassured.

"Whatever it is that's on your mind, you know you can talk to me about." The boy rested his hand on the girls lower thigh in a reassuring manner, making the girl beside him smile. She put her hand on top of his, squeezing it as way of saying 'thank you'.

After a few more minutes of driving in comfortable silence, the only noise being the music playing from the aux, Brady exited the motorway and onto an uphill gravel road. Being careful not to bust up the car, the brown haired boy drove up. Once the car reached the top, Maya spotted three other cars parked in the clearing, and what seemed to be a cliff.

Once Brady had killed the engine, he stepped out of the car, jogging around to open the door for Maya, who thanked him as she stepped out, stretching her limbs.

"I thought I'd bring you to our weekly hang out. We just open the covers of our cars and blast music and eat food. My friends will like you, don't worry." The boy led you towards were a group of people were leaning against their cars, once they spotted you and Brady approaching, they all smiled and waved.

"Hey guys. How's everything? I'd like you all to meet Maya." The brunette girl greeted everyone with a smile, "Maya, this is Angelo and his girlfriend Sophie." Brady gestured towards a tall brown haired boy with his arms slung around a blonde girls shoulder, "And that's Micah and his girl Victoria." The dark skinned boy threw up a peace sign as the girl at his side gave Maya a sweet smile.

To Maya's left, Connor cleared his throat in a joking manner, making Brady roll his eyes at his twin brother. "And Connor, who you already know." The boy walked over to give the brunette girl a hug as they both laughed.


authors note
god bless brady's twitch streams for introducing us to his music taste
he listens to SZA *chefs kiss*
i'm so excited to write about maya becoming friends with this group!
don't forget to vote!

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