Part 53

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All her life Petunia Evans had kept many secrets.

She had been instructed to keep the secret of her sister being a witch. Yet the secret that remained hidden for so long was the identity of her youngest children's father, she felt ashamed she had written letters addressed to her children exposing the secret.

It had started as a one-night stand during her marriage to her husband, Vernon. She had met a man at a pub, and they hit it off. With the amount of alcohol in her system, her memory had erased those thoughts from her brain.

She would continue living under the assumption that her son George was the product of herself and Vernon. She had always been faithful to the wicked man, although that would soon be proven false. George's biological father was someone that belonged to the wizarding world.

Petunia had never been interested in the wizarding world herself. The thought of magic had always terrified her, and she was glad that her sister had been taken away to that strange world of spells and broomsticks. She had never wanted anything to do with it. With it, also her childhood bully Severus was gone too.

So the years flew by, a separation from Vernon was like a breath of fresh air for the Muggle woman. She found herself as the prime caretaker for her sons Dudley and George but also her nephew Harry.

Yet fate brought a familiar face back into her life. Petunia thought that she had put the past behind her, but that night at the pub, everything had come back to her. She had recognized the wizard instantly, and the memories had flooded back. They had talked and laughed, and before she knew it, they were in bed together.

She would describe it as a whirlwind romance between herself and Severus. He had taken a liking to the small children that presented themselves in Petunia's household, although their curious minds were fascinated by his spell casting.

Petunia had never been happier, and for once in her life, she felt like she was living the life she had always wanted. She was supported by people that she surrounded herself with and the children were thriving in their new countryside environment. However, when she found out that she was pregnant, her happiness turned into fear. There had been a lingering war in the wizarding world and she knew the product of a half-blood child posed a threat towards the dark side. There was a risk they would be killed.

Petunia decided to keep her secret hidden, even from Severus. She knew that he was a man of integrity, and she didn't want to ruin his life by exposing their affair. She also didn't want to put her child at risk of being ostracized by society, so she kept quiet. She pushed him away and took the household of children from England.

In the strange new country, she would give birth to a set of twins, named Amelia and Beckham.

She revelled in the anonymity of her new surroundings. Her children were growing up fast, and she was determined to give them a good life. But there were times when she felt a twinge of regret for what she had done. She often wondered what would have happened if she had told Severus about their children. Would he have accepted them? Would he have fought for them?

She tried to forget about Severus, but the memories kept flooding back. She would often catch herself daydreaming about their time together and the love they had shared. It was a love that was forbidden, but it was real nonetheless. She had to pull herself back into reality regularly to focus on running a busy household of five children.

Petunia knew that she had done an excellent job raising her children, but there was always a nagging feeling that something was missing. She knew that it was Severus. She missed him terribly, but she couldn't risk exposing her children to the dangerous world of magic.

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