Part 27

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The family returned to the small coastal Australian town as a whole, which included Harry who had taken the front seat in the vehicle that was given by Petunia. They were still exhausted from their few days of travels using Muggle transport, yet their physical injuries had healed, which was one less worry for the mother figure in this family. With the vehicle parked in the family home all the children knew, they knew they were safe from the dangers faced in the wizarding world. Petunia had offered to make a late lunch for them if they wanted to go unpack their belongings, which were few as their wizarding items would be delivered once recovered from Hogwarts during the clean-up that was currently in progress.

Harry remained in the doorway of the home, unsure if he was to get out or return to England. The boy felt like he had duties to become a face for the Ministry to use to showcase that they were safe, he knew the media was trying to parade him as a saviour of the world. This was noticed by Petunia, the teenager still wore his father's round glasses and clothes that hung to his body loosely. There hadn't been enough time to purchase him new belongings as the younger children were itching to return to their home. "No one is expecting you to give another interview Harry, you can relax." She informs the boy.

The teenager nodded, slowly stepping into the home. His environment was familiar, yet he felt like a stranger in the home. He was a much different person than the last time he stepped in here. There were new photographs placed on the shelf by the door that he noticed, there were the familiar eyes that belonged to his older cousin Dudley. "How is Dudley?" It was his thoughts that were spoken out loud, he hadn't heard anything from the boy since he kept refusing to communicate with the family. He had been manipulated by his uncle to have his own negative beliefs about Harry and his siblings being magical beings.

"He's good." Petunia answers. "I expect he will be visiting for dinner tonight." That answer shocked the boy. "Vernon's passed and Dudley came to Australia, as hard as it is to believe, he has changed." Petunia adds to her statement. "Now go rest Harry, I'll bring you a sandwich."

Harry didn't want to find himself in trouble with his aunt in the first few minutes that he returned home. Entering the former room that belonged to him he found that the bed had fresh linen on it and his decorations were placed in the boxes sitting on top of the desk with his name labelled on them. The faint sound of the waves crashing on the shore brought a sense of peace to the boy who had been through such a tough ordeal as he sat on his bed, a small bag containing clothing thrown on the floor below.

A knock on the door surprises Harry, looking up to see George standing there with a pile of clothing. "Mum reckons some of these might fit you." He mentions the clothing in his hands containing different items as he places them on the desk that sat close to the doorway. They were clothing that belonged to him, yet Petunia had asked him to loan a few items to the older boy who had lost significant weight before he could have the opportunity to purchase new items. Harry thanked the boy, who had no issue in loaning his mass amount of clothing.

Harry knew his aunt would be in his room shortly, so he took the opportunity to change out of the dirty clothing that also contained damage. He was unsure about whether the jeans fit his body so he placed a pair of grey sweatpants and a navy sweatshirt over his body. It was winter in Australia and against popular belief, it was cold compared to the summer heat felt in England. This was one time that Harry was thankful for George being taller than himself, he was comfortable in the clothing loaned to him.

Once dressed his aunt handed him a sandwich, offering to take the damaged clothes off the boy. She also placed a pair of glasses next to the bot who still sat on his bed. "Always prepared with another pair of glasses." She answers his confusion. Harry was thankful for the kindness he was granted from his aunt, yet glad he was getting space to work through his emotions. There was no invasion of privacy from the media who tried to follow his movements in the days following the defeat of Voldemort, they wanted to thank him and also get the full story from the source. They wanted every detail, yet Harry didn't feel like he was ready to tell that story.

Harry was the last to be called to dinner, Petunia had kept an eye on the teenager who had fallen asleep on his bed not long after he had finished the sandwich given to him. There Harry noticed the interactions between Dudley and the younger twins who sat on either side of the taller boy. He noted the shirt which highlighted a local building company he had seen on his summer vacations in the early years of Hogwarts. The boy was a lot thinner than the previous time he had seen him, working towards gaining muscle rather than the chubby limbs he once wore under thick sweaters. Dudley's eyes met Harry's green ones that were hidden behind the new pair of glasses with thicker frames than his father's. "Harry, it's good to see you." Dudley's voice was unsure, yet he kept it quiet not wanting to upset the boy even further.

"Good to see you too." The boy answered before taking a seat at the dinner table. Petunia served a simple pasta dish due to her needing to head to the supermarket to cater for the children being back home earlier than expected. There was silence surrounding the table, no one was sure of what to say to one another. "Have there been any letters from the Ministry?" Harry asks, knowing it had been a few days since they had left England. Perhaps there were affairs he needed to address.

Petunia sighed, after a short nap it seemed that Harry was ready for another fight. "Only an invitation for Hogwarts students to return to Hogwarts the following fall, they expect repairs of the castle to finish before then." She explains. "That includes those that didn't finish their final year." She was unsure of whether Harry wanted to finish his education at Hogwarts, although he had plenty of time to make that decision.

"Well, I'm not going back," George mutters, trying to ignore the lingering thoughts in his mind. Both Millie and Beckham follow suit, agreeing not to without their sibling.

Petunia changed the direction of the conversation quickly, discussions would follow later that evening.

George, Millie and Beckham had gone without an afternoon nap so went to their respective bedrooms long before their bedtimes were. This left Harry, Dudley and Petunia to enjoy an evening of watching TV to fill the void of silence. "So what made you decide on construction?" Harry asks his older cousin who enjoyed a cup of tea prepared by his mother.

"Well I was an asshole kid who was given an ultimatum of grow up and earn my own money or finish my schooling," Dudley explained without going into the finer details. Harry knew the boy was spoiled and it surprised him that he was told to get a summer job that grew into a career and that he enjoyed it. The boy was now flatting with other boys his own age a few streets over, so he was able to have space to mature. It gave Dudley the opportunity to discover his own interests in sports and an extra bedroom available in Petunia's home under the circumstance that Harry would return when he finished his schooling.

Harry turned to his aunt, he would be near eighteen in a few coming months. "So should I start looking for employment?" He wondered.

Petunia shook her head. "I want you to take a break for a little while before you make any decisions about your future, whether that be returning to Hogwarts or wanting to get a job in the wizarding world." She explains to Harry with caution. "Maybe even take this as an opportunity to travel around the world with your friends!"

Harry liked the sound of that last suggestion. Hermione was due to visit him upon her coming to the country to look for her own parents, along with Ministry agents in the hope she would restore their memories and Ron was hopeful that Harry would return to England for the next Quidditch World Cup. It was still early days since their wounds in the attack but Ron had offered a hand to help his older brother Fred to help out with his joke shop and Hermione was determined to finish her education at Hogwarts. Harry was still undecided on what lay in store for his future. He had spent so long preparing to face Voldemort, that he had never seen past that and made a plan.

Harry had never been very academic, so getting a job may be his best bet to get a headstart in the world. "Maybe we could start with Harry sitting his licence?" Dudley suggested.

Petunia agreed with that statement. She had wanted to start lessons with him before he had chosen to remain in England during his summer vacations, so Harry had no idea on how to drive a car. He knew how to fly a broom, so it shouldn't be too much different from that.

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