Part 46

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When it came to Millie's last day at high school, it was known as a muck-up day. Where the senior students would pull pranks on the teachers, engage in a water fight and they would sign each other's uniform shirts before enjoying the summer holidays ahead. It wasn't uncommon for some students to be sent home with an injury or two from a prank gone wrong, but generally speaking , it was all just good fun.

Beckham had returned to Australia to spend time with his siblings after graduating from Hogwarts. He could have stayed in England for more courses if he wanted to continue his education, however, he decided that he preferred to return home where his family were waiting for him. He stayed with his older brother George in Sydney while his sister finished off her own exams. unlike her twin brother who was still deciding what career path he wanted, Millie had decided for herself.

After Petunia had gotten sick Millie wanted to find a way to heal her. Although unsuccessful Millie still had the drive to help those around her. She wanted to attend university to become a nurse, so between studying for the exams she applied to a few universities that offered great nursing programs. The decision wasn't a surprise for her family, she had always had a kind and caring nature about her. It was her dream to help those through the difficult stage of losing their loved ones to make a small difference in t heir lives. She had gone through her own pain and wanted to make it easier for others.

George had noticed Beckham was researching different careers between the Muggle and magical worlds. His older brother reminded him to not pressure himself into a job he wouldn't enjoy but focus on his own interests. "But I don't know what they are!" Beckham retorted.

"What do you like doing most? What is your favourite subject?" George asked.

Beckham thought back to everything he liked to do but he really didn't know. He had been so focused on completing his studies he had never had enough time to discover many hobbies.

"I used to love playing games," he said.

George looked at his younger brother wondering why he would mention such a thing. "Games? That's so random."

"Yeah, I played board games with you guys when we were kids," Beckham remembered how much fun it was to play with his siblings. They had spent hours laughing and joking together. As he grew older he had taken up video gaming but the game he enjoyed most was chess. He always found the strategy behind the game fascinating. "You enjoyed sports in the past and now you're pursuing that as your career." Beckham reminded his brother.

"Yes, I play for my university in order to keep my scholarship," George mentioned. "But I'm studying sports science with biology as my major."

Beckham grinned. "You should definitely think about getting a job as a nurse as well. You'd be able to work alongside Millie when she graduates ."

George chuckled. "Thanks, bro, you've given me something else to consider. But let's get back to the topic at hand, what does Beckham Evans want to do?" He asked.

Beckham took a moment to think. After years of working hard to ensure he got top marks in every class, he knew nothing about what he wanted to do. "I don't know," he admitted.

"Well, that's fine, you have plenty of time to figure it out," George reassured his little brother. "Remember what Mum said: 'It's important to live life to the fullest'." That comment hit Beckham emotionally, he missed her. She would be able to give advice on suitable career paths for him, he knew her better than he knew himself. He had attempted to ask his sister for advice on the matter and she had suggested working within the Wizarding Ministry research department, as he had always enjoyed research. He had considered it but didn't know if he wanted to be stuck behind a desk for the remainder of his life.

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