Part 21

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The rift between Dudley and his mother became more apparent as time ticked forward. It was the distance that was the biggest issue with their relationship as she was hiding in Australia to keep his younger half-siblings safe, he only knew there were another two siblings he had never met in person. Petunia refused to give out information that would be sent straight to Vernon, who knew who was listening to his conversations and trying to get information on Harry. The boy that was in danger each year that passed as Voldemort grew stronger.

Although in December 1996, Petunia received communication that her former husband Vernon had perished in a car accident after drunkenly driving drunk after a holiday celebration. Dudley, being seventeen was still required to be under the care of a parent. His grandparents were filled with too much grief after planning Vernon's funeral to be capable caregivers for the grouchy teenager, he lost the man who prided him on all his minimal achievements at school. It was a shock for Petunia when the courts were ordering her to take custody over her eldest child, as it was written in the will of her former husband if anything was to happen to him. The cruel man had never bothered to marry another woman, focusing on making sure his son would be cared for after his death in order to make Petunia miserable. Dudley had been poisoned against his own mother and siblings due to the words ingrained in his mind from his father, to him that was the truth.

She had no choice but to have the boy fly over to the family property near the Australian coast in a small town, much different to his busy life in London city. While arrangements were made for the eldest Dursley boy, Petunia had to announce the changes in their household that there would be another living under their roof. "But there's no room for him!" The small voice of Millie, the youngest still remaining at home.

Petunia sighed, only George had flown home for the Christmand holidays that year as Harry was enjoying the company of his friends that semester break. "I've talked to Harry and he has offered to give up his bedroom while Dudley stays with us." She answers her daughter's query. The girl didn't accept that there wasn't another female coming to join them, she always felt left out by the boys. Petunia was unaware that Harry was planning not to return to his aunt's property, a decision that would be made later in the school year due to wanting to protect his family. Voldemort was looking for different ways to use leverage against the boy, which would include hurting his family.

Dudley arrived just after George was sent back off to school for the next semester. The teenager was met by a pair of ten-year-olds, both had welcoming smiles on their naturally tanned faces since they spent much of their childhood enjoying the sunshine. The boy named Beckham William Evans stood proudly there, his blue eyes stood out against his light brown curly hair. Genetically he took after the Evans side of the family with his facials but was already tall for his age a trait from his biological father. His younger sister, only apart by five minutes, had her sandy blonde hair braided back to keep it from falling on her face and her hazel eyes looked curiously at the chubby boy towering over her. Amelia Lillian Evans resembled a much younger Petunia and preferred her nickname, Millie.

"Welcome to our home Dudley." Petunia mentions quietly, that she was exhausted from the long drive to the nearest city that the boy had flown in from. "These are your siblings Amelia and Beckham."

The boy nodded, taking note that the boy was named after one of his favourite football stars David Beckham. Both the twins were shy around new people, yet Millie found the confidence to try to welcome the brother into their home. "I can show you where your new room is." The twins had been told the boy could be in an awful mood due to losing his father recently. The girl reached out for his hand to lead him down the hallway.

There was a moment of panicked expression towards his mother before he sighed. He took the girl's hand as she walked with him down the short hallway to a door where there were hand-drawn welcome signs by herself and Beckham. Harry's belongings had been cleared out and stored in their attic which left a clean bedroom with empty drawers for Dudley's belongings a desk in the corner and a bed with fresh linen on. Mille let Dudley's hand go as he took a seat on the bed, looking around the bare walls. "Mum said you can decorate it yourself." There was a genuinely kind smile on her face.

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