Part 44

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Eileen Snape s at on her patio deck in the early morning, a cup of tea at hand and a magazine she had barely looked through. It was almost time for the sun to rise over the trees behind her home. The air was cool enough that it would be good weather to sit outside all day, but she didn't have any plans . She would merely enjoy the day as it unravelled, there was no family to distract her.

She hadn't been out here long when she heard the sound of children playing nearby. They were young boys, the oldest perhaps nine or ten years old. Eileen took another sip of her tea before turning around and looking towards the direction that they had come from. They were Muggle children, dressed in casual clothing. The sight wanted to make Eileen snarl , but she knew better than to judge them by their appearance alone. Her father had taught her not to do so many years ago; he'd said that think ing people would lead one down a path of misery. Perhaps that's why her own marriage was to a Muggle man many years ago.

Now she was single, greying in the hair and left without her son to visit. She wasn't sure what she wanted anymore. She had fulfilled her duty as a mother to raise her son to become a mature, independen t m an in the wizarding society and relied on her family's inheritance that she had recently acquired. They had never supported her previous marriage, so when she announced it was over they were overjoyed. Those of whom were still alive.

The Muggle wom a n who lived near her had asked her if she felt lonely, but she didn't feel that way. Her life was comfortable and she was content. But something about those Muggle children kept niggling at her mind. Her son never returned to his childhood home after graduating from Hogwarts, and the last communication she got from Severus was announcing he was becoming an apprentice potion maker in Diagon Alley. She hadn't seen him since then either, though she often wondered if he was happily marrie d to a nice witch and had plenty of children to surround himself with. It was the least he deser ved after his devastating upbringing.

Looking out across the backyard, she noticed that the small group of boys had grown larger and had begun to run into the woods beyond the yard. It reminded her of when she was a child herself. At first, there were only four of them and they played outside together. Then came more, until the yard was filled with dozens of children chasing one another, screaming and laughing. The sounds mad e he r uncomfortable as she finished her morning tea .

She gathered her items before retreating into the small home she had recently moved into. Once inside, she reached for the daily newspaper that was delivered, she hoped she w ould hear of any news surrounding her so n. There was always the chance that he had run into trouble, but she prayed that he was fine. Reading the highlights, nothing was mentioned.

Interrupting her from the comfort of her armchair was a short knock at the door. She went to answer it but paused when she saw a young man standing there, a fluff of hair on top of his head while wearing the Hogwarts uniform. She noticed the bright blue eyes and the small ripped page he was holding in his hands as he observed his surroundings.

Eileen open ed th e door slowly, unsure of why a Hogwarts student was seeking her out. As he stepped inside, she could tell that he was uncomfortable. "Are you lost?" she asked, noting how nervous he seemed.

"Yes." He replied in a deep voice, avoiding eye contact. " I'm looking for someone."

Eileen frowned, leaning back against the doorframe. "Well, who are you seeking?" She asked with an impatient voice.

The boy turned away from her, staring at the floor and fiddling with his robes. " Eilee n S na pe. " H e advised.

The woman shifted uncomfortably. "Eileen Prince is preferred." She commented. "What business are you after?"

He cleared his throat before answering. "I think you're my grandmother."

Eileen blinked. She looked at his appearance, his light-toned hair, with the freckles against his tanned complexion. They were the complete opposite of her son. He didn't even receive the crooked nose. Not to mention this boy was far too polite to belong to her son Severus. "You look nothing like the family." She remarked.

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