Chapter 9

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I moved, pulling Marcus along with me to sit next to the fire. Being so near to the flames I realized my skin was like ice. Marcus took my hands between his, my fingers tingled as he rubbed them. I looked up to my family both of whom were staring at the innocent touch. Mama's lips set in a tight line her apprehension made obvious by her brow. Grandmother's otherwise blank face was betrayed by her eyes, they shone with what I could only guess was excitement.

Calmly I asked Marcus, "What did you need help for?"

He sighed, "I think we should explain ourselves first."

"Yes!" Mama took a step forward. "I'd like to know what is going on."

"Vera," Grandmother calmly spoke. "Sit down."

"You knew?" She accused.

"I said. Sit. Down."

I turned back to Marcus growing more annoyed with Mama. She's been vacant for so long and now she acts as if that never happened. "Tell me."

"I had been thinking...if the wolf was intended as a curse could it be removed." He said with great care in each spoken word.

I couldn't hide my horror. Remove the wolf? "Why?" I barely breathed the words, not sure if I wanted to know.

"I told you I wanted to leave them."

"How?" I asked.

Grandmother inturrupted. "We're not sure if it can be done, but, we're looking through the old text to find a solution." A cough wracked her body.

I had more I wanted to say to Marcus but decided it better to wait until we could speak alone. Our eyes met and he nodded then leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Later." I did my best not to look at Mama knowing I wouldn't like what I saw. The emotions rolling off of her were bad enough causing the room to feel tense. Grandmother busied herself making tea. I was grateful for the warm liquid even more so that it was pleasant tasting. The earthy taste of pine needles was balanced with the sweetness of clovers. I began to feel relaxed until Mama spoke.

"How long?"

"How long what?" Marcus said sardonically. I scowled at him but he only shrugged his shoulders.

"You're already walking a narrow path, wolf." She warned.

"Enough." Grandmother snapped. "You knew you couldn't stop this."

I looked at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"Have you...have you had... lain with him?" Mama stumbled.

My cheeks burned. "No!"

Marcus scowled. "Are you insane?"

I turned on him. "What?"

His brow creased. "Antonia. Don't tell me you didn't know."

I was growing angry. "Know what exactly."

He glared at Mama briefly, muttering something I couldn't hear before turning back to me. "I want you to be mine, in every way possible. But if I can't get rid of my wolf we can never..."

I understood then. We would never be able to be one. Mama's eyes flashed with anger as she realized the true intent for Marcus' abandonment of his wolf. I was thankful she held tongue as I thought over what had and hadn't been said.

"I don't think that will be a problem." Grandmother said quietly.

Marcus and I looked at her. "Why?"

She gave my mother a pointed look before saying. " I think she deserves to know." Mama's attention turned to Grandmother, her eyes wide. "Tell her." Grandmother's tone turned stern.

"You do not know if it's certain." She argued.

Grandmother straightened her spine, "Either tell her now or I will."

"What is it?" I questioned.

Mama turned to me terror on her face. "I lied to you when you turned 16. Your Grandmother did find who you're meant to marry."

My heart quickened as I turned to Marcus, he gave me a sad smile and squeezed my hand. For so long I'd told myself it didn't matter if I ever met my intended or not. I knew I had been lying to myself; fooling myself into believing something to avoid feeling ashamed by my own kind. Now it was true. It didn't matter. I wouldn't let a prophecy tell me who I was meant for. I knew it all the way to the marrow in my bones. I was meant for my best friend, confidant and werewolf; Marcus. A matter of law wasn't going to subject us to its rule anymore. I'd find a way or die trying.

Her words brought me back from my inner ramblings. "It's Marcus."


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