Chapter 8

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The familiar crackle of the fire was the only sound in my ears. My mouth was dry like withered roots left to bake under the sun. Tongue useless, eyes heavy, my body was not my own. Finally able to muster the strength my eyes opened. The cottage was dim, alight only by the flames of the wood burning. I wondered if it was night or if the shutters had been closed. All I could do was roll to my side; surprised when I found Mama asleep next to me. I reached one quivering hand out to touch her still form.

"Let her sleep." Grandmother whispered. "She hasn't rested for two days."

"Two days?" I croaked. A surge of memories assaulted me. The pounding in my chest sputtered and stopped before resuming a far too slow beat. Spots danced across my vision as the fire within me rose to a scorching heat. It traveled up my throat until I couldn't even gasp for air. I choked on my scream. A screech much like an owl echoed in my ears until the world turned black. I gasped when it ended. "What happened?"

She looked toward the closed door. "The boy has come every night."


She smiled weakly and chuckled. "Boy? He is no more a boy than you a girl."

"Grandmother," I kept hushed tones but spoke sharply.

She turned to me, her eyes wide. "You're awake, good, your mother has been worried."

"What happened?"

She stood from the chair beckoning me to follow. "It was a spirit."

On unsteady legs I stood. "What was?"

"The woman," her finger touched her forehead then she pointed at me. "She'd latched onto you and was draining your magic." It was then I noticed the smell of the cottage. They'd been burning longdan.

"Is Mama alright?"

Grandmother pressed a cup in my hand then turned back to the shelves.

I threw back my head feeling the relief as the liquid traveled down my throat. I turned to her dismayed that she'd only given me a small amount. "More."

Instead she rubbed away the dirt on a root and handed it to me. "Here, chew on this. Slowly." She commanded.

Unable to see clearly in the dim house I cautiously took a bite. Glad it had a sweet taste, I took another quickly. "Slowly," she repeated. "You'll make yourself sick if you fill your belly."

I took the cup she offered, obediently sipping the liquid. "Is she alright?" I repeated my question feeling stronger already.

"Yes child," she kissed my forehead. "She just needs to rest. Now sit." Grandmother began telling me of past events. "Not all spirits move on when they are meant to... "Her voice lowered, her lips moving quickly but I could barely make out what she'd said. "Old realms...she must have been powerful to remain for so long...why Antonia... wolves...better prey..." I believed she no longer spoke to me. "It doesn't matter now. We've severed the connection." Mama stirred from across the room. "Let's sit outside so as not to disturb your mother."

I agreed. Grandmother collected two fur throws, handing me one she stepped outside. The rain was still falling but now in a gentle spray; shielding the sun from us casting the world into gray. I sat, pulling my knees to my chest so I could wrap the fur around my whole body. Resting my head on my knees I watched as Grandmother sat in her chair, waiting for her to speak.

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