Chapter 13

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Emerald's POV

Every day it gets hard to stay away from Chase. I dont feel the same for Jace now. The bond is getting stronger and if I have to leave Chase then I have to ask Jace to mark me. But it feels so wrong. I cant do it. Even when I kiss Jace I feel disgusted. But I have to keep acting. Its been one week and we are just practising. They have improved their fighting skills. I have been in my room making arrows and guns with bullets having Lyncotine. I named the mixture of silver and wolvesbane. This first Paralyze you and then slowly burn your organs. It can kill you within 15 minutes. I have an antidote. Its venom of krait....yeah the snake. It can actually cut of the effect of lyncotine. I have collected enough venom. I feel fight is going to happen soon.....
Knock knock

"Come in" . I waited for few minutes but nobody showed up.I opened a door and saw a boquet. Blue rose and dandelions,my favourite !! Hmm A Note???
Hey beautiful..... Please accept these flowers if not me. I know I did wrong but I have realised it. I am doing anything to make it up to you

I rolled my eyes. He has been doing it alot lately . Lets say its not enough.

My wolf was howling with happiness. Yeah she was littrelly jumping in my mind.
Ughh Stop it Anna! I said. 
But he wants us! She said.
What about Jace? I said. She still thinks he is also our mate. She went back somewhere in my mind.

I walked out of my room in just Jaces T-shirt.

I walked inside the kitchen. Jace has gone out for patrolling.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!" I screamed when this awful pain shot in my chest. That dick! One minute he is asking for forgiveness and other....
Shut up its not him.  We are in heat. Anna shouted at me.

Oh......I smiled. Suddenly my pain faded to a level that I could tolerate it. I felt two arms holding me tightly. Tingles and sparks shooting.


"Shhhhh dont speak. I am here. I will stop this pain. "

"You will mark me?"

"No....without your permission I won't. But..." his eyes turned pitch black .".....if it means saving you from pain then yes"

I smiled and kissed him. He kissed me back. We started making out but then I realised what I did and I lightly pushed him away.

"Why you want me now...." i whispered.

"Huh? I wanted you the day you left. I regretted the moment I rejected. Just if you stayed one more day I would be on my knees begging you to forgive me. I always wanted you. " 

"Joke of the day!! You didnt even bothered to find me." He abruptly stood up and pulled me with him.

"Whwre are you taking me?"

"My office"


"To show you...." he busted in the room and threw a file on his table.then another....another....another.

".....this. These all are the reports . I searched for you. I called every Alpha in L.A. Everytime the found a dead body I was wishing to god its not you. These all are the girls who looks somewhat like you.  Who is either a rogue or dead. Everyday I wished for you to come back .....and you say I didnt bother to find you? Huh why will you understand! You were so busy making out with Jace!" He crossed his arms and turned his back to me.

Tears welled in my eyes. Oh my god he did search for me. Without thinking another second I hugged him from back.

"I am sorry" i whispered.

He turned and lifted my chin with his index finger.

"You shouldnt be....I Love You"

"I Love You Too" i said it. Finally I did.

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