Chapter 11

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Emerald's POV

Me and my pack thought we better start training now since we should be prepared for rogues attack. Jace asked Chase to call pack meeting. If you dont know he is the Alpha now and as I was destined to be Luna I had not effect of his power and command. We were in the metting room. Jace me and Chase at center and Luke and Liam beind Beta and Gama were at left of the corners while my brother was at the right. I could sense his occasional glances at me.

"Attenrion everyone" and all the murmering stopped. Hmmm good job keep it dude. "As we have been facing rogues problem and lossing our members I decided to aak help from the strongest pack of USA Eclipse Moon Pack . Now that they are here they will train us. This is Alpha Jace and he will be leading further" he pointed towards Jace and asked him to proceed.

"We came two days ago. Now that we have settled in , I will like a few rules to be known . Rule no. 1: You will respect each and every member present here. Rule no. 2 : You have to be on time for training as well as all the meetings conducted.  Rule no. 3 Every member should be home by 10 at nighy except the one for patrolling. There will be twice the patrolling and the members absent in the training due to that will train later. Any questions? "

There were few grumbles but none of them raised their hand. "Now my pack fightet will continue" he stepped back.  I took a step ahead.

" I am Emerald pack fighter of my pack. I will be your trainer. Lets get this clear I will not take any nuisance during training and everybody has to be attentive and disciplined. You will be training Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from frive till 10 and Saturday from 10 to 5. Fridays and Sundays will be off for you to rest.Tomorrow be up by five and we will start. Am I clear? " everyone nodded. "Any questions? " I saw a hand raised up. I looked deeper for the source . She was the packs slut.

I nodded for her to continue.  "Will you be training us? " she asked.

"I guess thats what I said in the beginning"  she laughed a fake laugh. "Cmon guys you all will take help from a girl now?" Every body gasped.

Soon I was in front of her. " Now Now Now kid dont desrespect me. My colours are yet to be seen ." I said to her not falling the gaze of her. I saw a flick of fear. "And if you dont want to be then you better do what I say . Other than training I have no interest in talking to you all so you wont expect to be ordered by me. " my voice boomed in the hall.

"Meeting is dismissed you all can leave." Chase comanded.

Jace came towards me and slung his arm over my shoulder. Luke and Liam came. "Whoa girl! You kicked her ass " they squeled. "So proud to have a sister like you " i smiled. " You made me this girl brother. You treated me as fanily and trained for what I am now.  I am happy I found you guys. A GROUP HUG!" I svreamed and even Jeremy and James joined the hugged. Basically I was on bottom and Jace to my side wrapping me in a cocoon. While Luke wrapped me from behind and Liam from left and Jeremy on right. Janes sqeezed himself.

"A Happy Family!! " we all screamed. We did this when we hugged each other. We pulled away and decided to play tag in forest.


We had played all day tag since the training was to be started tomorrow. We came back at dawn. We layed down in back yard of pack house . I was laying with my head on my paws and Jace's muzzel burried in white fur. Luke and Liam were lying next to me and Jace snuggled together. While Jeremy and James laid in front of me , their face was facing mine. It was so contented feeling. I never want to change this feeling for any other . I love my life right now. But what moon goddess said makes me confused.

I recalled what she said. I think I am not doing right. I should give them another chance. Not all were willing to bully me but they had to follow Alpha's order. And Chase ....I cant feel if ge is saying truth by my power but my heart says he is. Maybe being a friend wont hurt much? And she is right..... ignoring him must ve the biggest pain to him and his wolf. His wolf still talks to mine. And I know he didnt wanted to rejecet me but his human form was against it. And ignoring Chase is giving his wolf pain.

I was pondering over with my eyes closed when I heard footsteps coming towards me. All of my boys stood up and snarled at him. I opened my eyes and saw it was Jason. His eyes were no more bright but pale and empty. His cheeks held no tints of red. His hair was oily and looked like it hasnt been washed in a month. And mosf importantly he stunk. Ewwww....

Jace was beside me snarling at him. But Jason was least effected.
Boys calm down. I said in mindlink.

They stopped snarling but held up their gaurds.
Guys I want to talk to him please leave the two of us alone. I said.

No never. Luke replied.

I will call you if I need you. I assured them.

They finally left. I went behind the tree which had my clothes. I morphed and wore my clothes.

"What do you want brother ?' I snapped at him.

"Em please forgive me. Please. I searched for you everywhere in L.A.  I didnt knew you left the city. I asked every Alpha here but they didnt saw you once. I followed your scent but on my seatch it rained and I lost your scent. I was supposed to protect you but I was blinded by my ego. I knew the truth but I still hurt you. I am a beast. Heck I even look like one. I know I cant be like Luke and Liam but at least consider me as your brother. I never valued your presence but your absence the second you left affected me so much. Maybe the most. Please Em forgive me."

I was crying right now. I ran and hugged him. No matter what he did. He was my brother and if I made him look like this then he suffered alot. He hugged me back tighly while we cried in each other shoulder.

"I would never let anybody hurt you." I smiled.

"Now you must take a good shower. And then we are altering your look. You stink and look like a zombie." He chuckled and nodded. I went with him in his room. To my surprise everything was in place.

"Maids cleaned it up daily" he said. Oh that makes sense .

He went for a shower and I pulled out his clothes. Black shirt and black ripped pants. Then I smelled myself.  Ewww I stink as well. Better have a shower.

I quickly took a shower and saw that Jason was still in the shower. It will take long for him so I went to make food for him.

After an hour he came down. He smelled good now. It was dinner time. So I had made my boys dinner.

"Guys!!! Come on! Dinner is ready" i said dinner is ready but it doesnt mean it is served. Thats the boys job to do. They set the food on the table , the cuttleries and glass. Then they sat down we all started eating . I had called Jason for dinner with us. Boys accepted him as they thought it was fair.

"Its good that you took a shower , you stunk even worse than Rafflesia"

Luke said.

"Dude it took me whole bottle of body shower to wash away the stink"

Everybody laughed. We finished our dinner and boys washed their own plates. They didnt have any important meeting like before. After that I took Jace in his room and set him in front of the mirror and put a cloak around him. I started trimming his hair. He interrupted at first but my glare shut him up. I have him a nice haircut with spikes. The I led him to bed and laid him down . I know facial is not for boys but his skin needed it badly.

I did the facial and the bags u.der his eyes seemed to fade and the skin glowed as the pores were opened. He looked better.

"Wow you sure could have been a stylist. Where did you learn that?" I said.

"Theres more to know about me bro. I know sonething of everything. And this beauty treatment is because I do it every month for me."

"Okay so tell me more about you then. I know you sing and draw. And style. " i sat down on the bed.

"I make weapons against werewolves like for rogues. I am fashion designer. I am a fighter and rest you will know gradually"  i stood up afyer sayong good night and left for my room. Tomorrow is going to be long day. I havent brought much weapons I better start making them again.

A/N: Do you like it? And this chapter is not edited so there maybe mistakes.

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