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I won, again. And I was out of that cage looking for Isaiah and Rose faster than ever.

The crowd wanted to celebrate with me, but I just wanted to see her.

I push my way through the standing area looking for them but it's got packed since I left them. She better be ok, her tiny body could probably get trampled in an instant. It worries the shit out of me how small she is.

I don't see them so I push to the back, maybe they already went to the locker room? I hear shouting before I see him and my accelerated heart speeds up more.

"Not me! I'm supposed to be let through you Asshole!" Isaiah yells. I can see him now, he's yelling at the guard, but something is wrong.

Rose isn't with him.

My legs take action before my brain processes the site in front of me, and before I know it I'm standing beside Isaiah.

"Where the fuck is she." I growl. The guard flinches at my tone. As he should.

Isaiah turns to me with a look of relief on his face. "Thank God. We got separated but this dipshit won't let me through." That didn't answer my fucking question.

I'm about to start throwing hands, my adrenaline is still pumping from the fight and if something happened to her, the fuckers' going to pay.

"Where is she?" I grit, towards Isaiah.

"She's in the locker room. But she said she was going to come out to me when I said this guy wouldn't let me through. That was a while ago, and I didn't get a response when I asked her what's taking so long." He says nervous.

For fucks sake, can anything go smoothly when Rose is involved? "Let's go."

The guard won't stop Isaiah now, he knows if he does he'll be waking up in the hospital. I'm not in the mood for anybody's shit right now, I need to make sure she's ok.

I push the locker room door open harsher than I meant to.

Shit I need to think before I do stuff like that, if she was on the other side and the door hit her... she would probably have been knocked out, and I'd hate myself forever.

But she's not there, not anywhere in this room.

"Fuck." My fist collides with a metal locker, a deafening thud filling the room. "She said she was in here! Where did she go?" Isaiah asks, panicked.

Stay calm, Blake you need to stay calm. "Are you sure she didn't pass you and go back to the main area?" I question. My voice is extra deep, signaling to everyone around that I'm not playing.

But I'm doing my best at keeping my shit together right now, at least until I find her.

"No way, I would have seen her." He says rushed.

"Then there is only one way she could have gone." I state. She must have gone outside, I can only hope that it's not because she had another attack.

I pull open the main doors and step outside. Relief filled me when I heard her sweet voice, then vanished and my body filled with fury as I heard another.

"Try me." The voice that I could listen to forever says, coldly.

"I'll ruin you! Just wait and see." I freeze for a moment, I never thought I'd see her again. The woman who walked out on me seven years ago stands in front of Rose, threatening her.

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