Chapter 2: Fear of Life

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People waited and were stressed because they don't know what comes after. The pilot continued to fly and was able to stabilize the plane a bit. It can still almost make it to Miami International Airport. The plane was shaking so much that everyone was scared to death. Louna and Marijetta sat 2 rows forward, no idea why, it was just assigned that way. Victoria sat next to Peeta and Aaron. Victoria was scared for her life she was holding Aaron's hand. Peeta stayed calm.


Victoria's POV:

How can Peeta stay so silent? What's going on? I knew it! He's so mysterious. Something is wrong with him. But I still really like him. Louna sits 2 rows in front of me and Aaron. I can't stop thinking about how Marijetta and Louna are doing. I hope it is okay with them! The Flight is 30 minutes long, I hope the damn thing makes it!!!


Marijetta's POV:

OMG shit, am I going to die? Or not? I hope I don't die. I keep looking over at Louna and making sure she's okay. She's okay but quiet as hell and always looking out the window. It doesn't look good. I hope the others are okay too. I can't see the others because they are sitting 2 rows behind us. Furthermore, I would like to write, but I can't, it has no internet.


Aaron's POV:

Shit, Victoria's state of health is bad. I need to calm her down. It scares the hell out of me. I think the plane will make it. He needs to make it. We've only got 30 minutes left, and surely he should make it. Peeta stays calm, it's very mysterious. I think it's kind of creepy. You'd think he's not afraid for his life. I'm shaking but trying to stay calm because I don't want to worry Victoria.


Peeta's POV:

I don't know if we're going to die or not, but I'm going to stay calm and see what happens. I mean, I'm going to die someday anyway. And I am not afraid of death. But I have to see that Victoria calms down now. She is completely out of control.


Victoria: OMG I think I'm going to die today. I need to sa..

Aaron: Shhhh Victoria, calm down. Nothing is going to happen. After all, the pilot said the plane stabilized a bit.

Victoria: I'm sorry I didn't mean to annoy you. But I am scared, can't I be scared? Do you know how Louna and Marijetta are doing right now?

*Louna is having a seizure*

Aaron: I don't know, but I think with Louna it doesn't look good. She's all uptight and staring. OMG, Victoria look Louna is collapsing.

Victoria: I'm getting up, I can't watch her collapse like that.

*Victoria gets up and goes to Louna and Marijetta*

Marijetta: Ey do you know what Louna has? She is unconscious!

Victoria: Marijetta, we are supposed to do the lateral position. But she's so damn stiff, it's not easy to do the lateral position. Anyway, let's just do it. We'll try, okay? Marijetta?

Marijetta: Ok, let's go. Um, Victoria, her mouth is foaming. What does that mean? I'm getting scared.

Victoria: I think I know what that means. It's an epileptic seizure. I'll call the flight attendant ok? And you watch her now ok?

*Victoria ran across the plane and got a flight attendant who had also trained as a doctor. Victoria told the flight attendant everything that happened. The flight attendant went to get the medicine for epilepsy*

Victoria: There she is. She fainted.

*Flight attendant gave Louna an injection for seizure. And suddenly all the people on the plane took out the cell phone and filmed.*


*People put down the cell phone and just stare stupidly*

A few seconds later:

*Louna woke up and was very confused. She was completely out of it. As if she had a crash from alcohol*

Flight attendant: Can you hear me?

Louna: Yes, what happened? Where are we? How long was I lost?

Flight Attendant: It's a long story, but I'll summarize. So you had an epileptic seizure. We're on a plane from Switzerland to America, but we're right there. And you were gone for about 4 minutes. I gave you a syringe for epilepsy. You should get better. But what I strongly advise you to do when you arrive, that you go to the doctor.

*Louna gasps*

Louna: Okay, I will go to the doctor as soon as I get here then. Thanks for the shot.

Victoria: OMG Louna, I thought you were dying. THANK GOD you are still alive! We need you!

*Aaron and Peeta called out*

Aaron & Peeta: Girls where are you? Are you guys still alive?

Victoria said to Marijetta: Can you watch them until we land? I need to get back to the seat.

*Victoria went back to the seat and told the guys what happened*

Pilot: GOOD DAY TOGETHER! We .....

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