Chapter 14 - Athanasia de Alger Obelia is Dangerous

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The gathering organized by the Alpinus had taken place in a beautiful garden with a lake of a blue similar to that of the eyes of the royalty of the Empire. As usual, the nobles were gathered in small groups, talking about politics, economy and of course, rumors that were circulating around Athanasia. She was in fact the center of attention among the young teenagers who only had the opportunity to see her when she had her debutante. After her fairy-tale appearance with Lucas, it was all anyone would talk about.

But strangely enough, during the two or three events that had taken place over the last three months, it was only Claude and Jeanette who introduced themselves, never Athanasia. So some people started to think that everything she had was from Jeanette and that she was probably ashamed to show herself now. Others said that being a Princess on the verge of being abandoned by the royal family, she must surely not have the right to come. Then they whispered among themselves more far-fetched rumors than the others, under the destructive gaze of Helena and Elphinny.

The latter looked at everyone with a deep disdain and a murderous desire that only grew stronger and stronger. They had decided to isolate themselves a little from the rest of the guests, being a group composed only of some of the girls that Athanasia had been kind enough to invite to the tea party and Hilbert Samona, Calliope's friend for almost 7 years now. The girls all knew what Athanasia was like - they saw her as a kind of angel - and couldn't imagine all the lies that were going on around her. So it was with difficulty that Calliope and their new friends quickly calmed them down.

"You girls should calm down. Don't forget that we're just kids, even if you tried to defend her, no one would take you seriously." Calliope took Helena and Elphinny's hands with gusto and a dark smile appeared on her face. "They'll soon figure out who they're dealing with when she will beat all their little buckwheat asses in the Hunting Season. Do they really think they are superior to her? Those assholes..." She now had a dark expression on her face and her now petty smile made others shiver.

The redhead was used to it but was always impressed by the presence of her friend in certain situations.

"So it was all a lie... If Calliope says Princess Athanasia is reliable, I believe her." Elphinny refrained from hitting Hilbert's head.

"Reliable? Of course she is! And she's full of other things too, much more than the other fake princ-" Helena put her hand in front of her mouth and sighed heavily.

"Don't be angry, Elphinny. Don't forget that we are only surrounded by people who admire her, this new princess. Even though you are the daughter of the Duke, you risk being accused of blasphemy against the royal family."

"Especially since His Majesty seems to favor her far more than Athanasia." The girls shook their heads in irritation. If he was going to take care of Jeanette, why didn't he do it for Athanasia who seemed to have much superior abilities? Nobody tried to understand, it was only going to tire them even more.

"... Otherwise, nobody knows where she is?" Hilbert then spoke.

"I haven't heard anything about her arrival. Perhaps she doesn't even know that this gathering is being organized..." Elphinny widened her eyes.

"Wait what!? How could she not know? She remains one of the princesses of the Empire and the lowest title allowed is that of marquis, isn't it? Then I don't see why she couldn't come!" She clenched her fists with a determined air. She wanted to see her friend, it had been long enough since they had seen each other and her patience was reaching its limit.

"You're right, but... Imagine if no one had bothered to tell her about it? In that case, it wouldn't be surprising if she didn't come." When they heard this, all the girls present looked down. Thinking about it, it seemed logical since no one really cared about her and Elphinny suddenly felt guilty. If what Hilbert was saying was true, then she should have told her before. But since she thought Athanasia knew, she hadn't dwelt on it.

Same World, Same Princess, Different Path [WMMAP]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin