Chapter 31 - The Princesses' Sacred Names

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It was dark. Athanasia was running through the corridors of the Ruby Palace, her little legs quickly exhausted by the effort. With difficulty, she reached the kitchen. With her hand on the handle, she gently opened the door. Fortunately, no one was around, so her little nighttime escapade was unknown to the other inhabitants of the palace. The 6-year-old girl went straight to the place where she thought she would find food. She was starving.

Not because she had a big appetite.

But because she hadn't eaten a hearty meal in a few days.

Athanasia de Alger Obelia was a malnourished child. The money that was supposed to be used for her needs was mostly used by the head maid, Mathilda. As a result, the good meals were reserved only for the servants and cooks, and Athanasia was only entitled to the rest. The only thing that kept her from starving to death was Lilian. Every day, the young maid would discreetly save her share of food to share with Athanasia. She also tried to save food like bread to slip into her room.

Lilian wanted to do much more than that. But she had absolutely no power. She didn't run the place and she knew that if she wasn't careful, Mathilda could very well fire her. And in that case, Athanasia would be totally alone, at her mercy. So it was necessary to do things little by little not to be caught. And this evening, Lilian had not been able to give to Athanasia what she did from time to time so the little one could not prevent herself from rummaging in the kitchen.

Arriving in front of cupboards that were almost her size, Athanasia opened them and the smell of chocolate filled her nostrils. Her eyes flashed with excitement as she reached for a piece, but the door opened violently and candlelight burst into the room. Athanasia jumped and dropped a pan on the floor. Being hidden by tables, she was not seen and took the opportunity to go around them while the unknown person checked what was going on. The little girl recognized Mathilda directly when she grumbled and picked up the pan.

Athanasia panicked. She knew that if she found her now, Mathilda would surely get angry and deprive her of meals for days to come. Fortunately, no one was hitting her. It wasn't for fear of the royal family, but more for fear of Lilian. Indeed, compared to the other maids, she was of noble blood. They feared that she would finally decide to make a decision that could greatly disadvantage them, so they did nothing but deprive her of things that she was entitled to though.

"There are rats to make it move on its own or what?" Mathilda was fixing what needed to be fixed and Athanasia took the opportunity to slip away. Bad timing since she came face to face with another servant. The latter's eyes widened when she saw the little girl in front of her. The princess quickly became worried about what would happen to her. But when the sounds of the kitchen faded and Mathilda's footsteps were heard, the young maid took Athanasia's arm and positioned her behind one of the two stone columns in the hallway.

"Cesilia? What are you doing here?"

"Madam... I heard some noise in the kitchen so I just wanted to check..." She said as she stood in front of where Athanasia was, as if to cover her. The latter remained silently sitting in her corner, patiently waiting for Mathilda to leave. At the same time, she was quite surprised. This servant did not seem to want to reveal her presence and she did not understand why. For her, all but Lilian were the same.

"You too, Hannah?" Cesilia and Athanasia gasped in unison. The one who seemed to be called Hannah came up behind them. She looked at Athanasia sitting on the floor in astonishment, then looked back at the maid.

"Yes, I wanted to make sure no one had come in."

"In that case, go back to your rooms. There's nothing to see." Both nodded. Mathilda headed down a hallway, leaving the other three together. When Cesilia wanted to approach Athanasia, she ran to her room without a backward glance, too afraid to face them.

Same World, Same Princess, Different Path [WMMAP]Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα