Chapter 35 - Grief

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It was a beautiful day. The sun's rays were beating down hard on the forest, breaking through the leaves of the trees with delicacy. Everything seemed so peaceful. While the days of summer were so eagerly awaited, they were no more desired today. In the heart of this bewildering greenery, in the heart of the leafy paradise that was the Great Forest of Obelia, was blood.




Carsein opened his eyes with difficulty, dazzled by the light that peeked through the curtain of his tent. Without waiting any longer, he got up and went to brush his teeth and wash his face with the water available in his den. Once finished, he put on his uniform again, a garment that he wanted to clean more than anything else now, especially because of the last two days. He put on his black boots, his sword hung on his waist and his cloak on his shoulders before going out with a decided step: it was the day of departure.

Outside, other soldiers were already working to arrange the many carriages filled with the bodies of the victims that were approaching the forest. Among them, Obelia's men were cooperating with those of the Castina Empire to make sure that everything went smoothly. After all, the disaster that had just struck them would not be without consequences for future relations between the two empires.

Carsein passed through the flow of men before arriving at a tent that was larger than the others and where voices could be heard. The guard at the entrance greeted him with a nod before letting him in and he found Athanasia and what appeared to be an ambassador from the allied empire. This one had just arrived this morning after the information was sent to them 2 days before.

"As I said before," he glanced at me before continuing. "The Emperor and Empress would like to help Obelia find the culprit. You must understand, Princess, that with the gravity of the situation, it is only natural that-"

"And as I said before, what you are asking for is impossible." Athanasia cut him off harshly. "Obelia cannot afford to allow foreign soldiers to roam freely in our territory. Moreover, as you so aptly pointed out, the situation is of such gravity that it would be quite plausible for revenge to take place against our Empire."

The ambassador exclaimed, shocked by Athanasia's furtive accusations. "Obelia and Castina have been allies for centuries! Our Emperor is merely an honest regent who wishes justice for his Queen-"

"Queen he did not seek to properly protect." Carsein cut him off in turn before walking over to the table they were sitting at. "I took the time to analyze the soldiers sent with Aristia. And I don't think you're so foolish as to think that the mere soldiers my cousins sent to protect her were enough for a woman of her status, do you?"

"I beg you not to speak of the Emperor in that way, young man! It is blasphemy to your own ruler!" The ambassador almost spat, his face red with incipient anger. "Sir De Rass, of all people, should recognize the efforts of-"

Carsein cut him off a second time, tapping his fist on the table."I think you forget to whom I belong now. I am no longer Castina's butObelia's, and the only person I must obey is in front of you." Carsein remained calm, despite the frustration building inside him. "Aristia deserved the elite of the elite to protect her, not vulgar newbies unable to defend their Queen! So no! We are not going to risk you on Obelia's territory as if it were your own when this situation has come to this point because of you."

Athanasia remained silent, witnessing the scene. The ambassador swallowed his saliva, feeling almost oppressed by Carsein's presence just inches away from him. "Of course, you can go and tell all of this to your Emperor, even specify that it comes from his very dear cousin. Don't forget to add that none of this would have happened if he had left Aristia La Monique alone from the start. Now you may go."

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