Chapter 38 - Last Feelings Should Go Away

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"What are you looking for, Elphinny?"

"Beautiful flowers for Mama."

The young boy shook his head slightly, nearly overwhelmed. "It's rare to see you acting like a girl your age."

"Shut up, Hal."

The two walked silently through the garden of their residence, a place Elphinny had grown fond of since Calliope took her there whenever she visited. She'd known the girl for a year now, and her own metamorphosis had been felt by her whole family, including Harrison. After all, he'd been the one to bring them together in the first place, so he was pretty proud of his move.

"Hal, do you believe in reincarnation?"

The 13-year-old looked at his sister in amazement but shook his head negatively. "Nope. Do you?"

She sighed lightly. "I'd like to. It would be nice to live again. You can come back and see your family."

"That's... very mature of you."

"I'm eight, you moron. I have a brain."

Harrison laughed, then patted Elphinny's head to tease her. "I didn't say you were stupid. But maybe you think a little too much. Is Calliope the one who told you about it?"

"H-how... how did you know!?" He simply shrugged, looking casual.

"Because she always thinks ahead of her time."

It was softly at first, then gradually, as the two continued to walk through the garden, Elphinny noticed that things were beginning to change around them. The flowers now seemed blurred, the sky went from light blue to white, and the ground... It was as if the path was now endless. She stopped, dumbfounded by the change of scenery, and had the reflex to reach out for her brother's hand, only she couldn't do it. That's when she turned her head, and Harrison seemed to disappear too.

"Hal...? Where are you going? Don't leave me here alone!"

She tried desperately to cling to his clothes, but it was no use, he seemed so far away when he was so close. "You're the one who leaves me all alone, Elphinny."

Elphinny tilted her head, puzzled for a moment. "What? I'm not going anywhere, I'm always here."

When she blinked, Harrison had grown taller, his 13-year-old appearance seeming to have grown 10 years older. When he pulled her into his arms, she felt that she, too, was taller, practically reaching his broad shoulders. She could feel his warmth surrounding her, but not his hands, not the touch of their clothes together. The only thing she could see now were the tears streaming down her brother's cheeks. He was crying. But why was he crying?

"How am I going to manage without my sister? I don't want to let you go either, Elphinny."

After a moment, Harrison's body disappeared completely. She was surrounded by nothing but emptiness, white, nothing. What she was aware of, however, was the gaping hole that was now in her chest, where her heart used to be. No, it was where her mana core had been. And then she remembered everything.

It's true. She'll soon have no mana core.

She would soon have no heart.

She was dying.

And then she woke up.

The first thing she saw was Lucas at her side, probably checking that everything was stable. And then she saw his face go from surprise to shock to relief. He said nothing to her, but settled back in his chair, waiting patiently for her to say the first words. Elphinny then had the reflex to touch her chest, where she could no longer feel anything. No impulses, no mana, nothing... It was a total void. It was slowly deteriorating.

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