chapter viii

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"oh god."

natalia awoke, still woozy and half asleep, in bed. her head was pounding from an unfriendly hangover, which was unusual for her as the one who could usually handle her alcohol better. but, it had been some time since she had drank the entire night, or had even drank this much. she laid with her head comfortably sunken in a pillow, which felt like memory foam most likely, before staring up at the ceiling. her body felt somewhat exposed, however, as she remained resting there and was feeling more than warmth coming from the other side of the bed. and, as she rolled to face this source of warmth, thinking it was blue, she couldn't have been more wrong. nat caught sight of what and who she had done the past night. 

there tate was, laying nakedly next to her in his king sized bed, a gigantic male figure facing her as he snored with his mouth open unconsciously. her hand clasped over her mouth with a light slap, realizing her drunken mistake. then, reminding her of her own very naked self, she pulled up the blanket over her chest to cover up, then investigated the room. both tate and nat's undergarments and clothes were spread messily around the room with beer bottles scattered everywhere. she couldn't exactly remember the raunchy details of their intimate night, but could only recall her entrance inside the apartment, after their passionate kiss.

"oh my god," she whispered, rising up and out of his bed. "i need to get out of here."

but, as she sat up too quickly to stand, her hangover made it difficult. challenging and intense feelings of nausea and wooziness were combined with the severe pain in her head to throw off her balance. nat stumbled unsteadily, trying to get ahold of herself. then, she crawled, not to be seen, to get her clothes together, slipping on each stretched out garment in the order he had undressed her the night before. when she was fully clothed, she hustled out of the bedroom and clutched her purse as she unlocked the front door quietly, silently escaping as he was still fast asleep in his bed.
nat hurried upstairs with the clacking of her heels, pulling down her little black dress with each step uncomfortably, until she was in front of her own door. she then found her keys to the place, unlocking it with speed. the door slammed behind her, waking one sleepy blue from her deep slumber. from the other room, her tired voice called to her.

"nat, that you?" she was sure it was, but had to make sure. blue, the worrier.

"yeah, it's me." nat slipped off her heels again and walked past the living room into the bedroom, where blue was tucked in bed, squinting at her half asleep.

"dang. so fancy for-" blue glanced at her phone. "7:12."

"it's only 7:12? damn." nat sat at blue's side on the mattress, taking a look around at the half-smoked joint in an ashtray, several stubs of cigarettes, the bottle of rum she'd brought the other night that had only had a quarter left, and blue's earphones knotted and twisted, thrown aside carelessly. "shit, what did you do last night?"

"what you see is what happened." blue had her eyes closed lazily again, huddling in a fetal position as half of her face was buried into the pillow and as her arm relaxed on top of her head, covering the brightness of the morning sun coming through the window. "what even happened to you last night?"

"ah, my date with will fucking sucked. we went to this really beautiful restaurant and he paid for my valet and everything, but when i actually met him, he was this self-proclaimed, self-entitled douchebag. it was unbelievable. plus, i think he was married?"

blue peeked through her arm at natalia. "what?"

"yeah, i'm telling you! he had a wedding band on his left ring finger. i'm pretty sure he was married."

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