Chapter 25 - That's... true.

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Chapter 25 - That's... true.

Lucy's POV

A loud ringing in my ears brings me back to the land of the living as I slowly regain consciousness. Pain shoots up my arms and legs, my head throbbing with a steady rhythm as I try to rid my mouth of its horrible taste.

What the hell happened?

Opening my eyes with a squint, I carefully take note of my surroundings, trying to push down my rising panic as I remember how I ended up here.

I'm alone in a room, a room I recognise all too well. The walls are a lilac purple, the carpet cream, with a single bed pressed against the far corner of the room covered by a light pink duvet and pillow. The blue curtains are drawn across the only window in the room, just off to the left of the chair I seem to be tied down in, which explains why my arms and legs are hurting so much. The ropes around my wrists and ankles have been tied so tight that I can't even move an inch.

Glancing over at the small chest of drawers at the end of the bed, then moving my gaze to look at the mirror on the back of the door, I scan the room four or five times to make sure I'm not just imagining this.

Maybe this is all just a dream? A scary, horrible dream that I never want to experience again...

However, the pain in my head and restrained limbs feels all too real to me for this to just be a dream.

This isn't a dream, this is really happening. I'm currently being held hostage in my old room in my old house that I used to live in with my parents... and I have no idea who brought me here or why.

Oh, God. What do I do? I can't move! What the hell is going on?! Does anybody know I'm here? Do they even know I'm missing?! What time is it? What even day is it?! Why am I here?!

As my panic breaks through, I fight hard against the ropes tying me down, the one at my wrists forcing my hands behind the chair and the ones at my ankles tying me to the chair legs.

Crap! Crap, crap, crap, crap!

When I realise that the rope clearly isn't going to snap anytime soon, I try slipping my hands out one at a time instead. I attempt to pull my right hand free first, wanting nothing more in this moment than to just get these ropes off me, but I soon give up when I realise that I'll probably end up dislocating my shoulder before getting either of my hands free.

"Please, please, please," I whisper as I look around the room, desperately trying to think of a plan before whoever brought me here returns. Tears fill my eyes as I slowly come to the conclusion that it's useless, there's nothing in this room that is even remotely helpful. I'm going to die in the one house in this entire town that I never really wanted to come back to. The one house in this entire town that has enough memories, good and bad, to bring me to my knees in grief of my parent's death...

As I look over at my bed again, I can't help but let a hysterical little laugh escape as I notice none other than Mr Snuggles squished right into the far corner, watching me as I struggle. Justin was right. Right at this second, there does seem to be something oddly creepy about the bear, although that's probably just due to the circumstances that I seem to be in.

Thinking back to Justin, I wonder if he's back home yet. Is it even the same day as when we kissed at the lake cabin? What if he came back and tried looking for me? Would that mean he knows I'm missing? Does he know where I am? What about Amy and Jess? They must know something's wrong.

A slight flutter of hope builds inside me at the thought of my friends out there looking for me, but it only lasts for a brief moment of time as, not five seconds later, I hear the footsteps approaching from down the hall.

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