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Jake and Danny were in their cell when one of the other prisoners, a boy called Wayne, came to their cell to talk to them ''Hi Jake, Danny'' he said ''I came to tell you something very important and very serious. Today I was in the visitor's room and I saw Aaron with a woman, I overheard their conversation. Danny, it was your mother and she is paying Aaron to kill you both. I wanted to warn you because I hate Aaron and I hope you can both fight him and save yourselves. Good luck boys''
''Yes thanks for telling us Wayne'' Jake told him ''we won't forget this favor you did us''
Wayne nodded his head and left the two of them alone. They sat in silence for a moment, In shock. ''That mother of mine really is something else'' Danny said at last ''a completely evil woman. I hate her''
''I think it's time we sorted out Aaron too'' Jake said ''that boy wants to kill us just for money and we will have to kill him first''
Danny was shocked ''Do we really have to kill him?'' he said
''Yes we do'' Jake said ''I am sick of people thinking they can do what they want to me, it's time to fight back and maybe I'll be the top boy too. Anyway, let's face it we're both going to do life for murder now, I don't even care anymore. may as well kill Aaron too''

Jake and Danny visited Aaron in his cell and killed him. They strangled him

Later on, they were both charged with another murder and they were completely unremorseful
Jake gathered all the boys together ''Aaron was the top boy but now he is gone and it was me who killed him so I really think I should be the new top boy. I will be good at the job I promise you''
''Jake has my vote'' Danny said
''And mine too'' Wayne said
The other boys all agreed and Jake became the top boy

When they went to trial Jake and Danny both pleaded guilty to two murders each. Jake to the murder of Alex and Aaron and Danny to the murder of Mandy and Aaron. They both received two life sentences each and were told they would serve many years before they could be considered for parole, at least 30 years but probably longer. Neither of them cared, they had resigned themselves to it. They were ready for it and Jake was the top boy now anyway, he would never let anyone boss him around and mistreat him ever again., It was time to be super tough and take no crap from anyone. Jake knew he was ready for it

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