Chapter 8 - BOREDOM

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So now Jake had been fed and given a bed. But he still needed to ask for toilet paper to wipe his ass with. Then there was the boredom, which would need addressing. Surely if he asked politely enough, Sir might give him some books or something? He had never been much of a reader, but now it was a case of desperate times and all that. Time was crawling by so slowly while he was trapped in this concrete hell with nothing but the walls and the ceiling for company. All he wanted to do was sleep, sleep was when he would escape from his reality and dream. He loved his dreams but hated waking up from them.

Of course, there was one other thing he could do to pass the time, and he did plenty of that. So much that he made his cock sore and even had some blisters. He really needed lube because he was cut so it was hard to masturbate without it. He would use his spit but it wasn't ideal. He could hardly ask Sir for lube, could he? That would go down like a lead balloon. Even though Sir was being somewhat nicer to him now that he was showing respect and addressing him as Sir, Jake was still scared of him. He knew the man hated him and he knew how helpless he was down in his prison. The man could basically do whatever he liked to him, Jake couldn't do a thing about it.

He missed his family and he was aware that they must be worried sick about him. They would surely have reported him missing by now. He wished he could contact them and tell them he was ok....well not ok cos he wasn't, but alive at least. He wished he could do something about this, he wished someone could help him, could find where he was, and rescue him like what happens in the movies. But real life is nothing like the movies, there isn't some superhero gonna come in and save the day, Jake knew that. Well getting a few books might help the boredom anyway, in the meantime, he'd have to try and resist having another wank just yet, he was doing it far too much!

He wondered where Sir could be, he hadn't been to see him for a while. Longer than usual. He hoped he would come soon. Eventually, of course, he came

''On your knees boy!'' he barked, having arrived while Jake was laying on his mattress daydreaming

Without a moment's hesitation, Jake did as he was told and knelt on the cold concrete once again. He was getting used to this now, it no longer seemed as bad as it once did.

''Everything ok today? asked Sir

''Yes Sir...but I could really do with some books or something. The boredom is doing my head in Sir''

''Well being a prisoner is not meant to be fun is it'' pointed out Sir

''No, I understand that, but even prisoners are allowed books and other privileges if they behave well Sir''

''True and maybe we can look into that in the future, but not yet''

''In the future?'' Jake asked with agitation ''just how long are you planning to keep me here Sir?''

''Well that is something that will be discussed further at a later date, trust me'' Sir declared ominously

''Yes Sir...'' Jake said ''Well Sir any chance I can contact my parents and let them know I am ok? They must be worried sick about me''

''No chance sorry''

''But Sir please, if you won't do it for me do it for them. Think of how they must feel right now, how worried they must be. They have never done anything to you, is it fair to put them through this Sir?''

Sir showed a flash of temper as his patience wore thin ''I SAID NO YOU LITTLE CUNT, IT WILL NOT ARGUE WITH ME GOT THAT? IF IT DOES IT GETS PUNISHED!''

''Yes Sir'' Jake said with a resigned sigh

''Anything else you want? A trip to Buckingham Palace to meet the queen perhaps?

''Some bog paper so I can wipe my ass after I have taken a shit would be good Sir''

''You can use your hands and wash them in the sink afterward'' Sir replied dismissively

''How about some soap so I can wash my hands properly after then Sir''


''I could use a shower or something as well Sir, I fucking reek!''

''So no one is going to smell you are they? Apart from me and I don't care if you stink, you are already filthy anyway regardless of whether you wash or not''

''Thanks a lot..for nothing!'' snapped Jake

''I don't like your tone!'' Sir warned

''And I don't fucking care, I am sick of this!

''Pick your mattress up and bring it over here'' Sir instructed


''Why do you think, I am removing it as punishment

''Oh no Sir please'' Jake begged ''I'm sorry Sir, please don't take my mattress away, please''

''Bring it here now, I won't ask again. Don't make me get angry!''

Jake pulled a face of sheer dismay as he got off his knees and lifted his mattress up. He carried it over and lifted it above his head. Sir took it from his hands and pulled it up and away

''Maybe you'll get it back sometime when I am satisfied you have learned your lesson'' he informed Jake

''Yes Sir'' Jake knelt back down and bowed his head

''Sulking will get you nowhere either, let me warn you!''

''No Sir''

''I suggest you remember to use your watch to remind you that all you have is time, lots of time and it can either go slowly or it can go extra slowly depending on how you behave

''How can I forget'' Jake muttered bitterly

''No food for a while either now'' Sir informed him before closing the door, leaving him alone again

Jake looked at his watch, the damn thing. He could hear it ticking constantly, it was about the only sound in the unbearable silence. Angrily he took it off and threw it violently against the wall, hoping it would break and stop ticking forever. He sat down and crossed his legs and stared at the wall

''Just the two of us eh'' he muttered at the wall

Hours later Jake was regretting throwing his watch at the wall, he was missing it now. He went to retrieve it, feeling that it would surely be broken. However, to his relief and delight, he found that it was in fact still working. He put it back on his wrist. He really needed a shit again now, he'd been putting it off for a while but now he could not really hold it in any longer. He walked over to the toilet, sat down, and let it out, it was a nice load since he had held it in for a while. Taking a shit seemed like great fun now, anything to pass the time. Once he had finished he pondered how he would wipe his ass and eventually had to admit that Sir was right, the only way to go about it would be to use his hands. Since he already reeked anyway he didn't suppose it would matter much. God, what he'd do right now for a shower

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