Chapter 37 - ARGUMENT

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Over the next few weeks, Jake struggled to come to terms with the amputation of his hand. The wound took a long time to heal and he had to deal with the pain. It didn't get infected due to Donald and Alex making sure it was kept clean and bandaged and Jake took his antibiotics, but they refused to let him have painkillers so that he could suffer and be punished more.

Jake still had to carry out his chores which were a whole load more difficult with only one hand. It really slowed him down and made it hard and painful at times. Sometimes Chloe and even Danny helped him with his chores.

On one particular day, Jake was doing his chores and cleaning the lounge, and he could hear Chloe and Lorraine arguing again in another part of the house, they did this a lot lately. He guessed it was about the baby again.

''I want you to have the baby aborted I told you that'' Lorraine yelled at Chloe

''I have decided I want to keep it, I don't want an abortion'' Chloe yelled back

''In that case fine, have the bloody baby but as soon as it's born it's going up for adoption!'' Lorraine screamed at her

''I refuse to have it aborted or adopted, it's my baby and I want to keep it''

''If you keep it your father and I will disown you for good, aside from that you are too young to have a baby we also do not want you to have the baby of the monstrous boy who raped you''

''Darren didn't....'' Chloe paused. She really wanted to explain that Darren hadn't raped her but she knew she couldn't ''Darren didn't what?'' Lorraine asked ''Nothing, it doesn't matter....anyway the point is I refuse to give this baby up, it's my baby and my choice, and if you and Dad can't accept it then fine. if you want to disown me go ahead because I am sick of you both anyway, pair of control freaks. I am happy to pack my bags and leave and maybe I'll go to the police about Jake while I'm at it and get that poor guy set free at last''

''Ooh you cocky little bitch'' Lorraine said grabbing Chloe by her hair and dragging her along

''Mum you're hurting me'' Chloe cried

''yes, I know I am and you asked for it. I am sick of your lip young lady and this time you have gone too far, and your father and I will not tolerate it''

Lorraine dragged Chloe to her bedroom and flung her into the room ''you are now grounded and you will stay in your room. I will talk to your father so we can decide what to do about your awful behavior. Refusing to get rid of the baby, threatening to leave, and threatening to go to the police about Jake, this is all extremely serious and we must sit down and talk about this''

Lorraine left the room and locked the door, trapping Chloe in the room. Chloe realized her mother had locked her in and became very upset but didn't bother to call out as she knew it would be pointless. She had been locked in her room before by her mother but she had been much younger then and this was the first time it had happened for years now and she knew her mother must be extremely mad at her to do this now after so long

In the lounge, Jake was still doing his chores, supervised by Alex. Jake had been distracted by listening to Lorraine and Chloe arguing

''Concentrate on your work boy!'' Alex barked at him ''whatever is going on between my sister and my mother is no concern of yours and should not distract you from doing your tasks''

''Yes Sir, sorry Sir''

When Lorraine came into the room, she looked at Jake like he was dirt like she always did and then turned to Alex ''How is it behaving today, anymore moaning about its hand?''

''A little and it's slow doing its chores as usual but I can deal with it. Why were you and Chloe arguing again?''

''I'll tell you later, I won't discuss it in front of the prisoner. But let's just say we need to sit Chloe down and have a damn good talk, your father will have to give her a talking to and discipline her. She is far too disobedient and has far too much cheek as well''

Later that evening Chloe was still locked in her room and crying. She had been locked up for hours and was wondering when she would be let out. She hated her cow of a mother sometimes.

Downstairs Donald and Lorraine were dressed up ready to go out for the evening. Danny was there with them ''we'll be gone for a few hours'' Donald told him ''your brother is also out and Ryan and Tony aren't here, so it's down to you to look after Jake and Chloe by yourself for a few hours. Chloe must stay in her room and Jake must stay in the basement, ok?''

''Yeah Sure'' Danny replied '' I know the rules about Jake, but I don't understand why Chloe can't come out of her room now, don't you think she's been in there long enough?''

''No I don't'' Lorraine replied ''she needs time to think about her behavior and anyway I would prefer to keep her there until we talk to her, tomorrow we will have a family meeting to talk and that's when she can come out but not before then''

After Lorraine and Donald had left, Danny released Chloe from her bedroom ''I'm not supposed to let you out'' he told her ''but I am going to let you out for a few hours, just don't tell the others I did it''

Chloe was still tearful ''I hate mum'' she said angrily ''I don't know who the hell she thinks she is but I am old enough to make my own choices and I will not let mum and dad control my life anymore''

''I think it was the threats about going to the police about Jake that has really annoyed them, you weren't very smart saying that to her were you''

''No I guess not but fuck it, Dan, I'm sick of this. I think it's time to set Jake free and I know you feel the same way I do''

Danny nodded his head sadly ''yes I do but we both know mum, dad, and Alex will never change their minds about him, and even if dad did I know mum and Alex never will. Anyway, shall we go and make food? I'm hungry and I bet you are too''

''Yeah I'm starving, ain't had any food for hours since mum locked me up''

They went to the kitchen to make food ''I'll make us some spag bol'' said Danny. Chloe looked towards the door down to the basement ''can we let Jake come up and sit with us for a while?'' she asked ''I don't think that's such a good idea'' Danny said fretfully ''you know as well as I do that the others would go nuts if we did that''

''But they aren't here, so what's the harm? I'm sure the three of us can keep it a secret, and I feel bad about sitting up here while he is locked in that awful basement''

Danny thought about it for a moment, he was very unsure about it but eventually, he agreed to let Jake come up and join them   

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