Chapter 47 - THE WOODS

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''I don't like it here'' Jake said to Chloe after what felt like hours but was in fact only 20 minutes of sitting at the deserted train station, time really did slow down to a crawl when you weren't having fun ''we need to move, we need to be some...

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''I don't like it here'' Jake said to Chloe after what felt like hours but was in fact only 20 minutes of sitting at the deserted train station, time really did slow down to a crawl when you weren't having fun ''we need to move, we need to be somewhere safe and we are not safe here''

''What else can we do?'' Chloe asked him ''it's the middle of the night and there isn't a train for another 4 hours. I don't like it here either but what else can we do but wait?'' Jake thought about it for a moment and had an idea ''Did you bring your phone with you?'' he asked Chloe ''Yes of course'' She replied ''I could never leave my phone behind. Why?''

''I want to call my parents and ask them to come and get us. I need to tell them I'm ok and I need to see them anyway and they can help us'' Chloe looked fretful ''Are you sure this is a good idea? How will you explain where you've been all these months, why you have had a hand amputated, and who I am? The thing is Jake as much as I hate what my family did I don't really want them to get into trouble for it''

''I understand and I won't tell them the truth I promise, we can make something up it will be ok''
''But we can't stay with them anyway, my family can find you again as they did before''

'I know but I need to see them tonight to tell them I'm ok and they can help our getaway. I'll tell them I'm in trouble and need to get abroad and they will help us and my passport is still at home I need to get it. Give me your phone and I will ring them and ask them to come and get us, it will be better than sitting here until 5 am waiting for a train trust me'' Chloe decided that Jake was right, this was the best idea and Jake needed his passport anyway. She gave him her phone and he called his parent's number. His mother answered the phone and he detected the same surprise and delight in her voice that had been there the first time he had called her from Donald's study

''Oh Jake thank god you called me'' She said ''your father and I have been worried sick since that last phone call, that was so weird, did you really join a monastery Jake? to be honest we struggled to believe that''

''Listen, mum, I can't talk now, I need you to wake Dad up and I need you to come and get me ok? We'll talk later but please just come as quickly as you can'' Jake told his mother the name of the train station he was waiting at and she promised that she would wake his father up and come at once but the drive would take at least an hour to get to that location. The call ended and Jake and Chloe sat in the dark and silence waiting and wishing time could go faster just now

Danny arrived back at the house and was shocked to walk in and find Donald, Lorraine, Alex, and Mandy all sitting around in the kitchen looking angry. He knew right away that they must have realized that Jake and Chloe were gone ''After I heard you leave in your car I came down to get a drink and noticed that the door to the basement was unlocked'' Alex told him. ''Yes, and we know that Chloe is not in her room and all her stuff is gone'' Lorraine said ''so we figured out the two of them have gone and you drove them off somewhere''

''What I want to know is why they have left together?'' Donald said and the others all stared at him as if he was a moron ''well clearly the pair of them are on together aren't they'' Alex said ''it's pretty obvious''

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