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NOTE: Hi everyone! This COVID-19 stuff is so crazy. I hope all of you are safe+healthy and are keeping your hands clean! I thought I'd write a bit while my school is on break to help ease any anxiety or stress that might be going on in our community.

Please sit back, relax, and enjoy reading! Hopefully this takes your mind off things. My messages are always open for requests or if you just need somebody to talk to.

With love, Allison <3


You wiped away a tear before it could make it all the way down your cheek. The street was busy. You walked quickly, not entirely sure where you were going, rushing no direction in particular.

Your shaking hand reached into your pocket to grab your phone as you sniffled.

"Hello?" your best friend Finn asked in his usual cheery tone.

"F-Finn... Are you home?" your voice cracked.

"Yeah, are you okay?" he asked, genuinely concerned.

"I'm okay. I just need to see you."

"Come on over. I'll have wine ready." he tried to keep the mood light.

"Thank you. I'll be there soon."

That's when you realized your feet were taking you to his apartment before you even called him. After walking for a few minutes, you dashed up the stairs of the building and knocked on the front door.

Finn opened it, wearing a grey knit sweater, his hair as disheveled as ever. He towered over you, sweet brown eyes blinking down at your tear-stained face. You had tried to hold back all your tears on the way over, but hadn't entirely succeeded.

"Y/N," he muttered, and then you threw yourself into his arms, letting go of any attempt to not cry. You bawled... He brought his hands to your back, rubbing soothing circles, brushing your hair over your shoulder.

He turned the two of you around and kicked the door closed.

"What the hell happened, Y/N?"

"Oliver... He- He broke up with me at dinner." you sobbed.

Oliver was your boyfriend of two years, your first serious relationship. He was sweet - You didn't have much in common, but he was attractive, he was nice, and you got along okay. Truth be told, you had really wanted a boyfriend, and may have slightly rushed into the relationship.

Oliver had called to make it seem like he was taking you out for a nice evening, so you'd gotten your hair done, picked a special dress... And then he proceeded to tell you he couldn't stand your weird sense of humor and wanted to break up with you.

Finn had never liked Oliver. He once described him as an "East Coast pretty boy with too much of daddy's money and no sense of humor."

And..... He wasn't totally wrong.

"Oh, Y/N," Finn breathed in his soothing voice. "Let's sit. You're freezing."

Finn took your coat as you wiped your eyes, and sat on his sofa. He draped a furry grey blanket over you.

"Thanks," you said as he handed you a couple tissues from the coffee table.

"Wine?" he smirked.


Finn brought over two glasses of cabernet sauvignon and plopped next to you on the couch.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked quietly, handing you a glass and giving your shoulder a little rub.

"I don't know... It was just embarrassing."

You told Finn what he had said at the dinner.

"What an impotent asshole," Finn cringed as you took a sizable gulp of wine. "Your sense of humor is the best part about you! Is he insane?"

You rolled your eyes and cracked a little smile. You and Finn had very similar senses of humor - He always found a way to make you laugh, even in the shittiest times. He had been there for you through everything, as you had for him.

His ebony eyelashes fluttered. "If it's any consolation, I told you so. Oliver's a dick."

You laughed. "How is that a consolation?"

He shrugged and laughed into his wine glass as you gave him a thud on the arm. You put your head in your hand.

"How could I have been this stupid? To think someone like him would actually like me. He's rich, and successful, and attractive. God," you spilled.

Finn shifted a little uncomfortably.

"What?" you asked.

"It's just... Stranger Things paid very well, I have to say. And not to toot my own horn, but, many teenage girls on the internet say I'm attractive."

You were confused, eyebrows furrowed.

"I- I don't get what you're saying."

Finn sighed, putting his glass on the coffee table.

"It's nothing." he scratched his head.

"What? You have to explain now," you put your glass down as well.

Finn leaned back against the couch, stretching his arms in both directions.

"Y/N, I'm saying that someone like that could be into you." Finn avoided eye contact.

You stared at him.

"And you're saying... You're one of those people?"

He swallowed, afraid he had just ruined everything.

"For a smart person, you're pretty dumb sometimes, Y/N."

And that's when he couldn't help himself anymore, and crashed his lips into yours, one hand on your jaw, the other on your back. You kissed him back hungrily, electricity running through your veins - Until, he pulled away.

"I'm sorry, I- I shouldn't have done that. I don't want to take advantage of you when you're emotional." he breathed.

"No," you bit your lip. "I want you."

You returned your lips to his, running your hands through his hair, breathing in, taking in his scent. He always smelled so damned good. Like sandalwood, musk... Like Finn.

And right now, he tasted like red wine.

You couldn't believe it had taken this long to admit how you felt about one another. The chemistry was undeniable, and the two of you just... Clicked.

&quot;Actually Good&quot; Finn Wolfhard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now