Drunk In Love

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TW: Alcohol

If you enjoy this story, please comment and vote! It really helps me out. If you have any requests, comment them below! -Allison

"Where the hell did he go?" Y/N wonders aloud.

"I don't know - but I'm too scared to go look for him. Just look at these people!" Jaeden says.

Y/N shared an apartment with her friends Jaeden Martell and Finn Wolfhard in Los Angeles. They were currently at a crowded house party in the valley, and Finn was nowhere to be found. Music blasted, smoke lingered in the air, the smell of alcohol and weed filled the house. Jaeden and Y/N were nearly sober, but Finn on the other hand...

Not so much.

"How can we not see him, he's so tall!" Y/N shouted over the blaring pop music.

"We've got to find him. I want to go home and I'm not leaving him here," Jaeden called out to Y/N.

"Fine. Let's go together!"

Y/N was almost fearful to find where Finn was and what he was doing. He probably found a girl and was dancing with her, possibly planning to go home with her. Y/N had feelings for Finn for almost as long as she knew him, but never told him - she knew inside that he didn't feel the same way.

Jaeden and Y/N hooked arms, and pushed through the sweaty crowd.

"EXCUSE US!" Y/N yelled.

An icky older man pushed up against Y/N, touching her arm.

"Hey baby," he slurred, "You wanna go on up to that bedroom? Just you and me?"

"Ew! Get off me," Y/N pushed him off. Jaeden grabbed her and pulled her to safety.

There the bastard was: Finn was on top of a coffee table, dancing like a maniac, clutching a half empty beer.


Y/N and Jaeden exchanged embarrassed looks as Finn and the crowd yelled back at one another.

"Finn! Come on man, we're going!" Jaeden called up to Finn on the table.

"Jaeden! My best friend." Finn slurred, jumping down off the table and throwing his arms around Jaeden's neck. He kissed Jaeden on the cheek and yelled, "My brother for life!! I love you, buddy!!!"
Jaeden looked at Y/N, horrified. She couldn't help but laugh.

"So where are your drinks? Are you h-havin' fun?" Finn hiccuped.

"No, Finn. We're going home." Y/N said sternly, wrapping an arm around Finn to help him walk. He could barely stand on his own. Jaeden did the same so Finn was supported on both sides.

"No! I don't wanna go! These people are my friends!" Finn cried.

"We've gotta go, man. Say bye to your friends." Jaeden told Finn.

"Aww, noooo! Bye, friends!!!"

After successfully dragging Finn outside and setting him down in the grass, Y/N called an Uber back to the apartment. Finn wailed Britney Spears' "Toxic" loud enough for the whole block to hear.


"Finn, hush! You're gonna wake all the neighbors!" Jaeden shushed Finn.

"Actually Good" Finn Wolfhard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now