Popcorn & Murderers

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TW: Gore

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"Pick. Pick. PIIICCCKKKK," Finn groaned as you stared at the movie theater selection.

"I'm trying! What about the new romantic comedy with-"

"No." he interrupted you.

"But I didn't even get to tell you who is in it!"

"It doesn't matter who's in it, it's the same predictable storyline every time! A woman who is a writer or a chef or an artist meets a dude who's usually a widow or divorcee, and has a fragile masculinity, then they fall in love, break up, and get back together by kissing in the rain."

You fell silent. That description was scarily accurate.

"Fine. Then what about that new French thriller?" You really had no desire to watch it, but hey, at least it made you look cultured.

"But you don't speak French."


"You expect me to sit in a dark theater watching brooding French people in the rain in a language I don't speak? Neeexxxtttt."

"The one with the talking animals?"




"Period drama?"



"Seen it."

"Fine, then what do you want to watch, Finn?" you grinded out, fed up with his rejections. He looked up and down the selection carefully, then smirked at you.

"The horror. Bloodshed."

Your face dropped. He knew how much you despised horror movies. Was he just trying to get a rise out of you? He'd seen you cowering in horror movies loads of times. Hadn't he learned? He had a glint in his eye, like he had a plan. Oh... the bastard liked seeing you squirm whenever a foot got chopped off. Why would anyone want that for their friend? 

You looked up at him, shoulders sagged, puppy dog eyes in action. "Finn, you know how much I hate horror movies. Please can we just watch the rom-com?"

"It's fine, I'll protect you!" he grabbed your hand, and bought the tickets before you got a chance to protest. It was just a movie... How bad could it be?

"You do know that you're buying me snacks and popcorn in return for this, right?" you joked.

"I was gonna do that anyway."

The two of you took your seats, you with a large popcorn, soda and a package of Reese's Pieces in hand. As per usual, you ate half of them during the trailers. As soon as the opening credits began to roll, you already regretted not protesting more adamantly. You tried to convince yourself it wouldn't be as bad as you were expecting, and for a moment, almost believed it, until the opening scene flashed on screen. Lovely! A woman getting brutally murdered and assaulted! What a great start.

You pulled your knees to your chest, and tucked your head in, curling up into a little ball. You could actually hear Finn laughing, but decided not to look back up at him in fear of seeing more of the movie. You felt someone lean down to your ear. You hoped it was your friend and not an axe murderer.

"Y/N, you can look now." he whispered.

"Yeah right, Finn." you whispered back in disbelief.

"Do you hear any screaming?"

That was a good point. You raised your head, and watched for a good 15 minutes, getting into the plot line. And then, from around a corner, the murderer popped out and killed a dude. You jumped in your seat and instinctively grabbeed onto Finn's hand, which seemingly freaked him out more than the movie, judging by the way he tried to pull his hand away. Then, he relaxed into it, holding yours back. Why was he so tense? Oh well, no time to think about that. It was time for another brutal attack. With a high pitched squeal you hid your face against Finn's shoulder — Cliché, yes, but you couldn't help it! With a sigh, he wrapped a long arm around you (stealing a few pieces of your popcorn on the way) as you leaned against his chest, eyes glued shut.

He looked down at you. "Are you okay?" he mouthed, genuinely worried. You nodded. God, how silly you were being! He kept his arm around you, which you didn't necessarily mind, giving you a gentle squeeze. You smiled a bit.

You spent the remainder of the film watching, waiting for something to happen, and hiding behind Finn when something did happen. The lights couldn't turn on sooner enough - and when they did, you breathed a huge sigh of relief. Finn's first words weren't what you thought they'd be.

"I'm sorry."

You were confused.

"Finn, why are you sorry?"

"For dragging you here and ruining your night."

You smiled at him. His guilt was a little endearing. You placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Finn, seriously don't be sorry! It was definitely your turn to pick the movie. I always choose."

"Still, it wasn't very pleasant for you, huh? I mean, you spent half the movie hiding against my chest." he laughed.

"Who says that wasn't pleasant?" you smirked, and he rolled his eyes sarcastically. "I have fun whenever I'm with you, no matter what we're doing. Plus, I got free popcorn and chocolate."

He chuckled a bit, giving you a little rub on the back. "C'mon, let's go."

It was a little after midnight, as the movie had a late start, and there were seemingly no taxis around. Oh well, home wasn't a far walk, and you and Finn weren't opposed to spending a little more time out together. As you walked down the dimly lit street, Finn found sporadically grabbing your arm or touching your neck to scare you and make you scream hilarious - so hilarious, it was apparently worth the thump on the arm you'd give him after each time he did it. Passing by a bar, a group of drunken young men yelled "yeah, score, mate!" at Finn, which instinctively made you grab his hand. He rubbed his thumb against your palm.

Once you two got closer to your house, a car pulled close to the curb and honked loudly, making you jump and scream. You and Finn both started laughing at your jumpiness. He wrapped you into a hug and you stood on the street, hugging, which could've lasted for seconds or minutes - you had no idea, but it felt incredible.

"Let's get you home, jumpy."

You walked home, arms hooked. You arrived at your door, and faced each other.

"Sorry for being such a wimp. Don't tell anyone what a cliché girl I've been tonight."

"Could've been worse. What really would have been cliché is if you got scared in the movie, then huddled into my chest, and we kissed or something," he laughed nervously.

Your eyebrows raised. "Sounds more like your personal fantasy." you joked.

To your surprise, he bluntly replied, "Yep."

Clearing your throat, you placed a hand on your doorframe. "Well, goodni-" but before you could finish, his lips were on yours. It wasn't a kiss in a rainstorm, or in a battlefield, or at the top of the Eiffel Tower, but it was the most romantic thing you have ever experienced. It was a million times better than anything you'd seen in a silly romantic comedy.

After he pulled away, he mutters "Sorry..."

"Hey, I thought we agreed, no more apologizing." you replied, rubbing your lips together.

He looked down at his feet, embarrassed. "You get to pick the movie next time."

"You're still not getting my popcorn!" you giggled.

"I got something much better than popcorn tonight." he said, before kissing you one more time and walking home.

"Actually Good" Finn Wolfhard ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora