Writer's Room

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Wow, 10 chapters already! Thank you all so much for reading. Feel free to share with your friends and other members of the fandom!

If you enjoy this story, please comment and vote! It really helps me out. If you have any requests, comment them below! -Allison

Your head pounds, your neck aches, your eyes are burning from staring at the computer screen all day. Writing an episode for a comedy series with a deadline in two days is no joke.

You've always had a knack for writing, but you never thought you'd be a series regular on a popular television show, let alone be asked to co-write an episode with your co-star, Finn Wolfhard. The pressure was on, and you and Finn had been grinding hard for two weeks straight.

On the show, you two played each other's childhood best friends. But in real life, truth be told, you didn't know each other all that well. There were polite chats in between scenes, premieres and dinners, and you knew a little about each other, but weren't anywhere near as close as your characters were.

He was tall, gangly, accident prone. He had a kind heart and a charming energy that drew you to him, for some reason. But with his busy schedule, it was hard to make time to get to know him a little better. This wasn't his only big project.

But for the past two weeks, the two of you were together all day, from 8 am to midnight, writing, and planning, and story-boarding, and writing some more, and planning some more, and stressing, and one one occasion, crying. (That was on Finn's part... Not yours.) Still, though, aside from caffeine breaks and fast lunches, you still didn't have much time, if any, to talk on a personal level.

You rub your eyes, give your neck a little massage, and let out a healing sigh. You're totally stuck on a scene. Finn was in the same boat. He was story-boarding, and secretly freaking out inside, because he thinks he messed up the order of some of the lines.

"Okay, you want to go grab some food?" Finn sighs, massaging his temples, looking at you through glasses. He takes off his beanie and rubs his head.

"I've really got to keep working on this scene." you shrug.

He rolls back in his chair, stretching his arms behind his head.

"It's 1 AM, Y/N."

You look at the clock in the top right corner of the computer. Was it really that late? And you still weren't done with the draft of this damn episode?

"You need a break. Some food, some sleep... We can wrap it up tomorrow. You won't be productive all burned out like this." he reasons.

Finn did have a point. Coincidentally, your stomach grumbles. You save the file, look at him, and ask:

"Where to?"

Los Angeles seems like such a party city, but truthfully, there isn't much open after 9 pm, unless you want to go to a club. Currently, that is not the vibe you and Finn are going for.

You guys roll up to a 24 hour diner called Nick's, just near Sony Studios, where you were working. You hop out of your cars, and Finn holds the door open for you as you walk inside, greeted by the scent of coffee and pancakes. A hostess seats you at a comfy booth in the corner, with a view of Culver City boulevard.

"Can I get you guys started with something to drink?" Asks your server, an older blonde woman with much too much energy for this hour.

"Two black coffees, please." Finn orders.

Well hey, you don't know too much about him,
but he does know your coffee order!

"Actually Good" Finn Wolfhard ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now