Chapter 3

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After only a little bit of wandering, I made it to the gym without any incident and found the gym teacher who gave me my uniform gym clothes I was required to wear every class.

I was happy at first that clothes were provided because I didn't have any with me or at home but after putting them on in the change room I wasn't so sure. The shorts were really short and very tight while the t-shirt which was just as small barely met the top of my shorts. At this point, all of the other girls had made their way out in the gym with no problems but I felt so exposed that I debated not coming out until class was over. While I argued with myself I heard a growl-like shout asking "where is she?!" The person said something else I couldn't quite hear but suddenly the door to the change room burst open and despite the protests of the gym teacher outside Knight scanned the room until his eyes landed on me. He quickly turned around and locked the door so no one could get in. He turned around and I got a really good look at him, he looked frantic. His hair was crazy as if he had run his hands through it a thousand times and he was breathing a little heavier as if he had been running.

"Are you ok?!? What happened to you? Why did you leave?" He started firing rapid questions at me. The questions only reminded me of why I left in the first place, his girlfriend.

"W-why don't you a-ask your g-girlfriend?" I asked trying to sound tough but ending up sounding sad and pathetic as tears came back into my eyes.

"Girlfriend? What are you talking about what girlfriend?" He said looking confused.

"A-Ashley told m-me you were h-her's and that I was taking her man away," I told him refusing to meet his eyes.

"Who the fuck is Ash- wait a minute is she a tall brunette sounds like a mean girl on steroids?" He asked me. I couldn't bring my sled to answer so I just nodded my head still looking down. I then felt his hand lifting my chin up so I could meet his eyes.
"Baby look at me," he said "I meant every word I said to you today and I would never lie. Ashely never has been and never will be my girlfriend I've barely even talked to her, her voice hurts my ears." I giggled a little at that and he gave me a small smile but he quickly went back to straight face and steely said "that being said, I am not happy that you left without me. Anything could have happened to you between the cafeteria and here. You could have fallen or gotten lost or even been trampled in the halls, you're so small baby people would run you over without even noticing." He said with concern. "I get that you were upset but you need to promise me that you will never run away from me again, I can't protect you if you aren't with me. For example, if you had been with me when we came to the gym I could have saved you time by telling you and coach Davis that there is no way in hell you are wearing that outfit in front of anyone else but me." I felt a little bad for making him worry but despite agreeing with him about the outfit I knew it was part of this class.

"Knight I have to wear this outfit. It's the only gym clothes they have." I told him. He didn't even take a second to think before he stripped out of his t-shirt and slipped it over my head. Due to him being well over 6ft, if she had to guess she would say 6ft 3 or 6ft 4, and her being a strong 4 ft 11 and a 1/4 the shirt drowned her extending past her knees but successfully covering her up.

Knight satisfied with the coverage stood her up and rolled the sleeves up for her so they didn't dangle awkwardly at her forearm. Once everything was good with Delilah, Knight grabbed his gym clothes from his bag and started to undo his pants. With a squeak, Delilah covered her eyes and cried out, "you can't do that in here, it's the girl's change room!" In her outrage, she failed to notice that she didn't even stutter. Knight simply laughed at her trying to shield her eyes and said "Well I'm not going to leave you and I sure as hell am not bringing you to the guy's change room." After a moment of shuffling, he declares it is safe for her to look. Delilah slowly uncovers her eyes and can't help but stare at all the muscles his tank top is exposing in his arms as well as a couple of tattoos that cover his skin. Pretending to not notice her gazing eyes he grabs her hand and leads her into the gym.

"Mr. Silverman, it is highly inappropriate for you to be in the girl's change room. Especially when there is a girl in there already." Then he turns to me. "And you that is definitely not the gym clothes I gave you, so I suggest you go change into the proper attire before you delay my class any longer." He said sternly.

She was about to apologize and started to take off Knights shirt when knight grabbed the bottom of it to stop her. "Coach I suggest you let this go because there is no way in hell I'm letting you or anyone else see her in that ridiculous gym outfit. Unless you want all funding cut from the gym department because my dad found out you're a perv that likes to ogle teenage girls, you will let Delilah dress however she chooses for the rest of the semester." After this short speech knight simply grabbed her hand and walked away towards the bleachers to sit down and wait for class to begin.

"How c-come you can talk b-back to teachers a-and they don't c-care?" She questioned. He just smiled and said, "because pretty much this entire school is funded by my parent's donations so if I say a certain teacher is pissing me off and needs to be fired the school will do it without question or they will lose all their money."
"Well that's n-not very nice," She said with a frown. Worried about the teachers all losing their jobs. "Don't worry about it baby, I have never threatened a teacher that didn't deserve it." It was then that the teacher announced that they would be playing the worst game ever invented, dodgeball. Looking around the class at the number of tall fit senior boys she immediately began to freak out. she didn't even realize she wasn't breathing until she felt Knight grab her and say "hey baby it's ok, you're ok just breathe with me baby in, and out, in and out." He did this for a few minutes until she began to breathe normally again. she hid my face in his chest extremely embarrassed that she had just basically had a panic attack right in front of him. "Baby I would never let anything happen to you, including letting you play a game where a bunch of people are going to whip balls at you." He said well still clutching her to him. "B-but how c-can we get o-out of it?" she asked pulling back just enough to look at him. "Did you not hear me before love. I can do whatever I please in this school. Speaking of we need to go get our timetable switched." He said pulling her off the bleachers. "What's wrong with our timetables?" she asked. "Well for one we aren't staying in this gym class, where that creep of a teacher can look at you every day, plus it's way too easy for you to get hurt in here, and we don't have the same class next period so I'm switching into yours." And with that, they were out of the gym and walking down the halls towards the guidance office.

We were walking down the stairs when I realized I had to pee. I was a little embarrassed to say anything but knowing that I had a really small bladder there was no way I could wait till the end of the day. So I tugged at his sleeve until he looked down at me. "I h-have to go to t-the bathroom," I said quickly trying to say it as fast as possible. Knight just chuckled and said, "ok sweetheart there's one just over here" he pointed to the left as we exited the stairwell. When we got to the bathroom I expected him to wait outside but was shocked when he followed me through the door. "Y-you can't come in here," I said nervously, but he just gave me a look that said he didn't care. "Just go pee baby, I'm only staying in here to make sure nothing happens to you." He says as I walk into a stall. Having more confidence once there is a door of some sort between us I say "what could possibly happen to me in a bathroom?" With a sigh, he responded, "I don't know Delilah but we won't have to find out because I'm staying right here." Realizing arguing was pointless she quickly did her business with a red face then walked out of the stall and washed her hands. "See baby that wasn't so bad right?" He asked leading me out of the bathroom. "I g-guess not but it was a little embarrassing," she said quietly. He stopped her just outside the guidance office and grabbed her chin forcing her to look at him. "Never and I mean never feel embarrassed around me baby. There is nothing you can do that will make me want to be away from you and I will never judge you. Ok?" Too nervous to speak she just nodded her head. "Good, let's go get our classes changed then."

20 minutes later we had switched out of gym and into art and he joined my biology class.

Forever mineOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora