Chapter 16

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A/N: I won't make this too long because I know most people don't read it anyway but I was kind of hoping that maybe someone would be interested in creating a cover for this book? I have zero creativity skills but thought maybe someone would have an idea and want to give it a go. I unfortunately can't afford to pay anything right now but if anyone is interested let me know I would greatly appreciate it. Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter.

Knight and Dean had quickly brought the girls inside the house and got them some clothing. They now sat at the table sipping on the hot chocolate Dean had made.

Knight would of helped but he hadn't let go of Delilah since the got out of the car too scared to let her go, he relented in closing his eyes to give her some privacy to change but made her keep at least one hand in his at all times. It may have slowed her down a little but she didn't seem to want him to let her go anyways. Even now she was sat in his lap while they drank their hot chocolate.

Neither girl had really spoken since they were rescued, not that Knight blamed them he was sure they were probably scared and rightly so. He felt murderous and just the thought of what could happen if they had been a second later.

"So when are we supposed to call the cops?" Eva finally spoke up breaking the silence. Knight and Dean shared a look before Dean responded.

"Don't worry we're gonna take care of it." He said smoothly taking Eva's hand. Knight thought she was gonna pull away for a moment but she left her hand in his and continued to question.

"What does that mean? Won't we have to give a statement so that fucker can go to jail?" Eva asked.

"Usually in these situations yes, but by take care of it I didn't mean we would call the cops for you. I meant we would take care of it, as in that fucker isn't gonna see daylight for a long time when we finish with him, jail would be letting him off easy compared to what we're gonna do." Dean replied.

Knight glanced down at Delilah to see how she took this news. He was hoping he could just take care of it and she wouldn't ever have to worry about it because someone so sweet and innocent shouldn't have to think about that but he should have known Eva wouldn't let this go. He was pleasantly surprised to see that she was fast asleep with her head resting against his chest and her hand curled into his shirt. He barely resisted cooing at his sweet angel as he pressed a kiss to her head. No longer worried about filtering words for Delilah Knight tuned back in to the conversation.

"I don't know what kind of fantasy movie you're living in but here in the real world I'm pretty sure it's illegal to just "take care of it" yourself." Eva answered.

Knight jumped in answering for Dean. "Eva I know this is probably gonna be confusing and you've been through a lot tonight but I will explain everything to you, you just have to promise not to tell Delilah I don't want her worrying over this."

Eva pursed her lips at him. "I'm not lying to my best friend Knight, you can't control her life." Eva answered.

"I know and I promise it's for her own good, I'm sure you have probably figured out that she hasn't had a normal childhood and I'm not gonna share her business with you but it was bad, like horror movie bad. After she told me about it I called my cousin Leo, who Max and Dean work for. Leo did some digging for me and found out that her situation was even worse than she thought. The short version is that the fucker who had you guys tonight is the nephew of an even worse fucker who paid Delilah's parents a lot of money to take her. Delilah left before that could happen, thank god but she had and still doesn't know that this guys is after her. We told Delilah that Dean and Max were body guards for both of us so she wouldn't have to worry after already going through so much and they are essentially acting as her body guards right now, but Leo also owns a company that operates a little in the grey area. Think of it as kind of like a security/PI because that's about as much as I can tell you, but they are able to work a little outside of standard law. Max and Leo are still back at the nephew's house hoping the Uncle will show up and if not then they can at least try and get some info out of the nephew." Knight explained.

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