Chapter 13

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"Oh! I almost forgot, can I ask you a question?" She asked and who was Knight to deny such a beautiful face.

"Of course baby." He replied kissing the top of her head.

"What's sex? And can we do it?"

Knight let out a startled cough not expecting that to be the question Delilah would ask. He knew he needed to give her an answer but he had no idea where to even start.

"W-why do you want to do something if you don't even know what it is?" Knight finally blurted out.

"Well Eva wouldn't tell me what it was but she said it's something people do for fun and when they really like each other. You do like me right?" Delilah questioned starting to sound a little nervous.

"Of course I do baby, words can't even describe how much I like you but sex is something that people should only do when they are ready. It's a big decision and I don't want to do something with you when you don't quite understand what it means." Knight said hoping that would placate her enough to drop the topic because even the thought of having sex with Delilah was testing his self control.

"But what is it, why is everyone making a big deal about it?" Delilah continued to question.

Knight took a deep breath and then decided he had to just bite the bullet as much as he loves how innocent she is, Delilah is 18 years old and deserves to something.

"Okay baby well it's a little complicated but you know how we kiss sometimes?" Knight asked waiting for Delilah to nod before continuing. "Well sex is like that but more, and it involves some other body parts too." Knight said trailing off when he realized how awkward he was sounding.

Suddenly Delilah gasped. "Wait, is sex how babies are made? My mom told me about that one time! She said it was really fun but that's how she ended up with me. It sounded kind of weird when she described it but she said it felt really good, so it must not be that bad." Delilah said.

"Yeah, uh yes sex is how babies are made and your mom was right it can be fun but you should wait until you are completely ready to do it and not just because someone said you should." Knight explained feeling relieved that he didn't actually have to explain it to her while also feeling hatred for the bitch of a person she called a mom.

"So does that mean we can't have sex yet?" Delilah asked starring up a Knight.

"Yeah I think we should wait a little before we do any of that. We can still have fun without it right?" Knight asked.

"Yeah! Everything we do is super duper fun." Delilah cheered.

"Alright now that we are done with this conversation why don't we go watch some movies and have an early night?" Knight suggested knowing that his girl tended to get tired easily.

"Okay, I think that's a good idea." Delilah agreed following Knight to their room.


Delilah woke up Monday morning by herself in bed. It was only 6:00am meaning she had plenty of time to get ready before school, but hearing faint voices in the kitchen she decided to get up and investigate. She walked into the hallway the floors cold against her feet, she tried to be quiet to see if she could identify the voices. She could easily make our Knight's voice but she couldn't identify the other voices. Round thing the corner into the kitchen she saw Knight talking with two other men she didn't recognize. Ensure about whether or not she should interrupt them she hesitated at the door until on of the men made eye contact with her.

"Well hello gorgeous, don't you look like every mans absolute dream." The man said to her causing Knight and the other man to turn towards her.

"Shit. Keep your fucking eyes to yourself Leo or I swear to god I'll kill you. Delilah baby come upstairs with me and let's get you dressed." Knight said as he practically pushed who she assumed is Leo out of the way and headed towards her to bring her back to their room. It was then she looked down and noticed that she was only wearing one Knights big t-shirts and underwear. Good thing the shirt went half way down her thighs but that still didn't stop the blush from burning her cheeks.

"Oops" Delilah giggled. "I forgot what I was wearing." She said a little embarrassed.

"That's okay baby, you didn't know people were going to be here, but I won't let anyone else see what's mine so let's get you covered up." Knight said depositing her on their bed then going to her newly filled closet and presumably picking out some clothes.

After changing into the jeans and soft crew neck sweatshirt Knight had picked out her took her back to the kitchen to introduce her to Leo who she learned is Knight's cousin and Max who she learned is Leo's friend.

" Max here and another one of my friends Dean are gonna join you guys at school for a little while." Leo finished explaining.

"Oh, are you guys transferring from another school?" Delilah questioned.

"No baby they aren't going to be students, they are just going to hang out with us. Make sure everything's okay." Knight answered turning her a little in his lap to see her face.

"Why wouldn't everything be okay? Is something wrong?" She asked feeling a little scared now.

"No baby this is just a precaution everything is fine but my family makes a lot of money and although we are good sometimes other people are bad so I just want to be extra sure that you are safe." Knight explained.

"And you too." Delilah responded then turned to Max. "You are going to keep Knight safe too right?" She questioned.

Knight spoke again before Max could answer, "They know what they are doing baby, don't worry we will be fine. This is just a precaution."

"Exactly," Leo agreed. "Everything will be fine Delilah, just makes sure you listen to Max, Dean and Knight and don't go to far away from them."

"Okay I can do that." Delilah agreed.

"Alright let's get to school then." Knight said as he stood and grabbed their bag. Knight decided that there was no reason for them to each have a bag when they go everywhere together and he wouldn't let her carry her own bag so it was easier to just have one. Delilah had argued that she could help carry it sometimes but Knight had just laughed off that suggestion.

Delilah now found herself in the back of a black sedan driven by Max.  In the passenger seat was Dean who when introduced to her hadn't said anything but give her a slight nod of his head. Dean looked a little scary but she was hoping he is just really serious. She felt a bit nervous being around these new people but was excited at the possibility of making new friends. Besides if Knight trusted them she should too.

They were getting out of the car when she heard her name get called but before she could turn and look she found herself pulled into Knights arms and standing behind a wall made of Max and Dean.

"Ugh who the hell are you guys?" Delilah heard a voice she recognized as Eva ask.

Before they could respond Delilah broke out of Knights hold and stepped around Max to see her friend.

"Eva! How was your weekend?" Delilah asked.

"Clearly not as good as yours. Where the hell did you find these gorgeous specimens?" Eva asked.

"Oh! This is Max and Dean, they don't really talk too much but I think maybe they are just shy." Delilah responded gesturing to the two men still standing behind her.

"They are part of Delilah's security detail, just a precaution but they are here to make sure Delilah is always safe, meaning I don't want you taking my girl anywhere without these two following, got it?" Knight questioned Eva while reaching out and grabbing Delilah's hand.

"Got it, make sure I teach Goldie how to slip her bodyguards so she can do fun things without her overprotective boyfriend stopping us." Eva replied rolling her eyes.

Knight ignored Eva's response and instead began to lead Delilah towards the school. "Come on baby, we should get to class before we are late." As they were walking inside Delilah faintly heard someone start speaking "Hi I'm Dean." She turned around just in time to see Dean give her friend a small smile.

I have to be honest I am not happy with this chapter at all I think I wrote it and deleted about 5 times and somehow this is the best one 😬. I was very close to deleting this one too, I feel like it's really flat and a little choppy but I really just wanted to get the next chapter up I know a few of you have been patiently waiting. So hopefully this isn't too awful and maybe I'll come back later and fix this but for now this is all I've got. Thanks for reading and hope you have a great night/day😊💕

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