Chapter 9

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Knight was feeling less stressed as the day went on. Delilah hadn't left his side once and her breathing seemed to be good. He still wanted to keep her at home but was starting to realize she is okay to be at school. Not that he would admit that to her.

It was now time for lunch so after a quick stop at their locker Knight was leading Delilah to the cafeteria.

"...and that's why I think Flynn Ryder is the superior Disney prince," Delilah stated finishing what has been 10 minutes of her arguing with herself.

Knight can't say he really paid attention to most of what she said he was too caught up with how beautiful she looked when she was excited about something. It made him extremely happy that she was comfortable enough around him to talk like this without stuttering or talking quietly.

"Don't you agree?" Delilah asked him pulling him from his thoughts again.

"Oh ya absolutely," Knight said not really sure what he was agreeing to.

"I knew you would! What's your favorite song in the movie?" Delilah continued to question him.

Knight realized he was gonna get caught seeing as he had no idea what movie she was talking about. "Oh um I don't think I've actually seen the movie." He admitted

"What? That's practically a crime. We have to watch it tonight! Please, please?!" Delilah begged.

Knight laughed at her adorable begging. Little did she know he would give her anything she wanted. "Of course love. Anything you want."

By now they had reached the cafeteria and just as Knight was about to sit her down at her table and go get them some food one of the secretaries approached them.

"Hi, Mr. Silverman do you mind if I borrow you for a quick second? The guidance office just needs to go over a few things with you." The secretary asked smiling politely.

Knight wanted to bring Delilah with him but at the same time, he knew she needed to eat, and ultimately her health is more important than his need to be near her.

"Ya just give me 2 minutes to get Delilah some food then I'll head down." He was about to walk towards the food line when the secretary stopped him.

"I'm afraid the guidance office is very busy and this can't really wait. I would prefer if you could come now." The secretary said looking slightly worried at telling a Silverman no.

"D-don't be silly Knight. I can get my own food." Delilah cut in before Knight could tell the secretary off.

"Are you sure baby? I don't want to leave you." Knight replied kissing the top of her head.

"Yes! Now go people are waiting." She replied giggling at his crazy protectiveness.

"Fine but make sure you get lots to eat and have at least one vegetable and a fruit if you can please," Knight said trying not to worry about leaving her alone.

"I'll be fine Knight. I'll see you again in no time." Delilah then quickly kissed his shoulder for the second time today and walked toward the lunch line with a blush on her face.

Knight watched his angel walk away before turning to follow the lady hoping this would end quickly.


Delilah had walked up to the food line before realizing she didn't have any money to buy food. With a sigh she turned back around and headed back to the table she was going to sit at before. Maybe Knight would be quick and she wouldn't have to be alone for too long.

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