Chapter 10

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!!!! Warning: mentions of abuse, both mental and sexual. If you would like to skip these parts, I will put (!!!!) where it begins, and you can skip to the next set of (!!!!). 

"So? what did you think? Did you love it?!"

Knight laughed as Delilah practically vibrated in anticipation of his response. The minute they got back from school, she was asking to watch this movie. Apparently, it is her favourite Disney movie, but Knight was just confused about why someone would want hair that long.

"Yeah, baby, it was great." He said, thinking this was the safest response.

"Right?! I love Eugene so much; he's my favourite." The smile on Knight's face dropped immediately at that.

"I could take Eugene in a fight any day, plus he was an asshole for like half the movie. I would never put you into all the dangerous situations he did." Knight rebutted, not liking his girl liking some other guy.

"Knight, he's not even real, plus he makes it up for it in the end." Delilah countered.

"Ya whatever, I'm still better." Knight huffed, pulling Delilah closer to him.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few seconds before Knight decided to ask about a few things that have been bothering him.

"Hey Lilah, baby, can I ask you some serious questions?" Knight asked while stroking her hair. He felt her tense up at his question.

"Umm y-yeah s-sure" He could hear the stress in her voice. Little did she know that nothing she could ever say could possibly change the way he feels about her.

"It's okay, baby. I want to know more about you. I'm just curious, that's all. Why don't you start by telling me about your childhood? Where did you grow up?" Knight asked, deciding to start with the easy questions.

"Umm, it was a town about a four-hour drive from here."

"Where did you go to school?"

"I-I was homeschooled. My parents didn't let me go out much," She answered, giving Knight an opening to ask about what he really wanted to know.

"speaking of your parents, where are they? Why were you living in that apartment alone?"



Where are they? Why were you living in that apartment alone?

These were the questions that Delilah was dreading. As soon as Knight knew that not even her parents wanted her, he would realize how worthless she is and leave her too. She debated lying to him like she did the school and saying they were on an extended vacation, but she knew he would find out the truth sooner or later. So she decided to be brave and tell him the truth.

"T-they didn't want me." She whispered so quietly she could barely hear herself.

"what was that, baby?" Knight asked again. At this, she broke down into tears, unable to stop herself.

"T-they didn't want me! I-I did e-everything they said. I c-cleaned the d-dishes, and c-cooked d-dinner and a-and stayed i-in he b-basement l-like a g-good girl, I e-even p-played w-with daddy's f-friends when t-they s-smelt icky. I swear I w-was good. I was good! B-be g-good and y-you can s-stay, that's w-what t-they said, b-but they s-still l-left m-me." Delilah was full out sobbing now as she choked on her last words. She tried so hard to make her parents happy, but no matter what she did, she never did it good enough. They would always find a spec of dirt she missed or a mistake she made. Good girls don't make mistakes, only bad girls do, and bad girls get punished.

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