The Party

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Finn's POV

I opened my eyes and looked around me. Today was the day. I could hardly wait for it to begin. I jumped out of my bed; I was so excited. If you can't tell, today is my birthday. I ran over to Jake's room and shook him awake.

"Hey Jake, wake up! Guess what day it is? My birthdayyyyyy!"

Was I a little excited? Perhaps, but I had a right to. Today I start a new life. It's a new beginning for me. My old life is gone, and now I must start anew. Honestly I'm ready for the adventure that the future holds for me. I ran into the shower then changed into some comfortable clothes. I put on a blue polo along with some navy blue jeans. I styled my hair into something acceptable. I took a long look at my old bear hat. This hat has been me for so long, the center point of all my adventures, and now that my adventuring has seemed to come to a halt, I don't think I'll need it today. I don't know when I'll wear it again, but it has served me well.

I strolled into the kitchen; I was greeted with a sweet aroma of pancakes. I guess Jake wanted to make me a birthday breakfast. He handed me a plate with a stack of pancakes shaped like my hat, ironic. I quickly wolfed down my serving before Jake had even sat down with his plate.

"Woah slow down there birthday boy. You have a big day ahead of you, you don't need to rush it."

After Jake and I finished our breakfast we packed up all the needed party decorations and headed to the event center. We spent the better part of the day setting up all the decorations. It all had to be perfect, after a while Jake left me to go gather all the food and drinks needed to cater all the expected guests. I continued to finish up decorations. By the time I had finished, it was nearly six o'clock. I just had to wait out the hour. The DJ was supposed to arrive twenty minutes before the party, and who knows when Jake will be back? I looked around the room, and I admired my handiwork. There were balloons, many separate tables, streamers, a giant banner, and other small touches. We even put up a birthday throne for me. I know it's a bit ostentatious, but you only turn eighteen once, might as well celebrate it. Today I was becoming a man, so Jake was making an even bigger deal out of today.

All that's left to do was to wait, and boy did it pass at a snail's pace. By the time Jake arrived with all the food it felt like I had aged 10 years, yet it was only 6:20. I've waited the entire day for this big party, I don't want to wait any longer. Even after setting up all the food, the minutes passed by so slowly. Each minute seemed like an hour. The DJ could take care of himself when he came, so I just have to wait 30 more minutes until 7.

After possibly the slowest hour I have or ever will experience, it was finally 7. NOt only was the party ready to start, but as soon as we opened the door people were already waiting. The room seemed to fill up in seconds. Citizens from all the various kingdoms were there including but not limited to Sime, Candy, Fire, Lumpy space, and Breakfast. The best part was that they were here to celebrate me. Everyone kept coming up to me to wish me happy birthday, and they kept giving me presents after presents. In a short ten minutes I had already accumulated a small mountain of gifts by the birthday throne. Normally I would hate all this attention, and I'm not this self centered; however, it's my birthday so I will enjoy it for the day. It's my day today, and I don't want to miss any second of it.

As I was enjoying myself, I saw in the corner of my eye Flame princess err... Queen walk in. Time seemed to just stop. My jaw quite literally hit the floor because damn she looked hot. I was honestly surprised she had bothered to show up. I get that she'd even said she would come, but I can't believe she would want to see me, even if it is only for my birthday. Even though the entire place was packed, I saw only her. I guess the one thing that I noticed before is that she didn't immediately set everything on fire. Even though her fire glowed larger and brighter, she seemed cooler. She started to walk towards me, and her every move seemed choreographed. She moved with such grace and pristine. She fell into a hypnotic rhythm that entranced me so much I caught myself almost drooling.

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