Chapter Three: Helen's Surprise Visit

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Helen let out a sigh. She couldn't believe she was voluntarily doing this. Like she had done so many times before, she reluctantly rang the doorbell. When she realised that Evelyn would never answer the door, she stretched her arm, flattening it under the door, and fumbled to unlock the door from the inside. The doors swung open dramatically, and Helen smiled at the theatrical aspect of it, knowing that only Winston could be responsible. She stepped in, shutting the door behind her.

Evelyn was again, on the couch, the ground littered with empty whiskey and wine bottles, the coffee table covered with paper sketches. In one hand she held a half-full wineglass, and with the other held her forehead as if she were in pain. Evelyn's eyes were closed, her elbow leaning on table for support. Helen put her hands on her hips. This was just sad.

"Winston's not here, by the way, he's at a press conference in Florida," Evelyn said, her voice hoarse. She opened her eyes to look at Helen, but not all the way, making her look as though she was squinting at her. "I know Winston's not here, I didn't come here to talk to him," the auburn-haired woman responded, making direct eye contact with Evelyn. "I came here to see you." 


Evelyn frowned. Did she hear that correctly? Her head spun from her hangover. "What?" 

Helen sighed. "I said, I'm here because I wanted to talk to you about some things." Evelyn pondered this. Maybe if she cooperated the super would go away quicker. "Okay, about what?" She asked hesitantly, setting down her wineglass.

"Well, actually, I think we first need to talk about... this," Helen said, gesturing to the bottles on the ground. Evelyn scowled. "You don't get to judge me for drinking, it's the only thing keeping me sane in this house. The judge said I can only go outside if someone chaperones me, and the only person who wants to do that is Winston." She immediately regretted saying that. Evelyn shook her head, trying to clear her head of her drunken stupor. "It's fine, though, whatever."

"Doesn't sound like it is. Winston has been gone for, almost a month now?" The short-haired woman nodded, unsure of what Helen was trying to do, and why she was here. "Yeah. Can we talk about why you're here now?"

Helen rubbed the back of her neck, which Evelyn recognized as a sign of nervousness. "Of course." There was a slight pause before she spoke again. "I-I feel bad about the way I've been treating you."

Evelyn frowned. "What do you mean?" Helen bit her nails and looked away from her, as if she didn't want to say. 

"I know I haven't been very nice to you, and for a while I was fine with that, since all I could think of was how you almost ripped my family apart. But I didn't take into consideration that right now, you are dealing with some heavy things. And that me acting like I'm above you and that you're nothing isn't the appropriate reaction." Helen turned to look at Evelyn, her soft, brown eyes locking with hers. They shone with sincerity.

Evelyn's mind reeled. What the hell was happening right now? 

"I'm sorry, for being so immature. I don't expect you to even care about this apology, ignore it if you want. I just needed to get that off my chest." Her voice trailed off, waiting for Evelyn's response.

The other woman was stunned, her confusion quickly turning to anger. "So, you're apologizing only because you feel bad for me and want to spare your ego from plummeting because of this guilt you have? Apology not accepted. Besides, I really couldn't care less. Honestly." She leaned back on the couch, resting her feet up on the table. Evelyn had picked up her wineglass again and was downing it in one gulp. 

Helen crossed her arms. "That's not why I said all that. I said it because.." She cut herself off. Evelyn yawned. "Just say what you need to say, so you can get out of my house faster." The auburn-haired woman inhaled deeply. "I'd like us to be on friendly terms again."

Author's Note: I know this chapter is a little choppy and icky, but I was going for length over quality, because I just want to have some writing to show. Also I wrote this kind of late.

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