Chapter Two: Why Is She Here?

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Evelyn flipped through a newspaper as she lounged on the couch, her hair disheveled, and the circles under her eyes darker than usual. When she started to fold it back up again, she noticed the headline read, "Elastigirl Saves School Bus From Plummeting." Underneath it was accompanied by a black and white picture of the super, smiling for the camera surrounded by school children. Evelyn rolled her eyes and ripped the newspaper in half, tossing it on the ground.

Winston watched from the kitchen island in worry as he sipped his coffee, but didn't dare to say anything. The doorbell rang, and Winston practically choked on his coffee as he scrambled for the door. 

"I'll get it!" He cried, even though Evelyn knew that he was fully aware of the fact that she'd never voluntarily get up and answer the door. She lay down on her stomach on the couch and buried her face in the pillows, sighing in content. Evelyn barely heard the door open, and her eyes began fluttering shut, when she heard Winston say, "Good morning, Elastigirl, I'm honored you decided to drop by on such short notice!" Her eyes shot open, but she didn't move from her position.

"Hey, Winston," Evelyn heard her say softly. "Hello, Evelyn," Helen said, her voice suddenly steely. Evelyn propped herself up with one arm. "Winston, what the fuck is she doing here? You didn't even tell me she was coming." She narrowed her eyes at Helen, who stared back at her. Her expression was unreadable. Winston cleared his throat nervously. "Well, this is a business affair, and technically I don't have to tell you anything that happens with the company." Evelyn rolled her eyes. "Spare me the bullshit. I know you just don't want me tainting the company's oh-so-precious reputation with all your supers."

Winston grimaced, unable to say anything in response. Helen however, spoke up. "That's not fair, Evelyn." When she heard her name, the short-haired woman turned to look at Helen. "Fuck you, no one asked you for your opinion." The super bit her lip as though she badly wanted to say something back. Evelyn was annoyed with this disappointing reaction, but the look of horror that flitted across Winston's face made her pause for a bit before speaking again.

"You know what, I'm sorry," she said, her words wobbling with sincerity. Helen raised her eyebrows in surprise. "I'm sorry, Winston," she said, putting emphasis on her brother's name, and making direct eye contact with Helen. She focused her attention back on Winston. "Sorry for being a bitch, I don't think you deserved that," Evelyn shoved her hands in her pockets. "I-I'm going to get more whiskey now." She hated how weak her voice sounded right now, how defeated and vulnerable she was. Evelyn couldn't help but sneak a glance at Helen as she walked away from the two, expecting her to take this opportunity to rain down a storm of criticism about her behaviour, expecting her to emotionally beat her into the ground. But Helen only stood there, gazing at Evelyn thoughtfully, a line of concern between her eyebrows. And for Evelyn, that was even worse. She couldn't help but wonder what Helen was thinking.

Author's Note: I'm sorry for how short these chapters are, I'm going to try to make them longer from this point on. Not that anyone really reads this story but oh well.

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