Chapter 39

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My head throbs. Like someone is throwing a hammer repeatedly at my skull. I try and remember what has happened. I remember making out with Tanner. Wait no, Zack! It was Zack! He was going to kill me. I whip my eyes open and scream at the top of my lungs. Thrashing at the sheets, I scream even louder when a boy comes running into the room.

"No, Zack! Go away!" I cry.

"Ashley it's okay. It's Drew, you're safe." The boy comes into my focus and I know it's indeed Drew.

"Drew it's Zack! It's him. He's going to kill me..."

"Ashley, everything is okay. You need to calm down." Drew sits next to me on the bed and wraps his strong arms around me. I cry into his shoulder.

"Drew, we need to get Zack." I cry against his shirt.

"I know. He's locked up know. Get some rest and I'll tell you later." I nod and let my weary eyes flutter closed.

"No, she's sleeping." A male voice says. He pauses. "I think so. She was really upset earlier but, yeah no, I will." Pause. "Okay bye."

I open my eyes and see I'm still laying on Drew's chest. "Drew?"

"I didn't wake you did I?" He says quickly sitting up.

"No." I say. "Did you um... change my clothes?" I noticed earlier that I was no longer in my dress but in shorts and a t-shirt.

"Actually Kora did when I brought you home." Drew says going to sit in his desk chair, facing me. I realize for the first time that I'm in his room. The walls are a deep blue, showing off photograph after photograph. Some are of the beach, others are of his family and the city and their really good. A bookshelf in the corner displays no books but football trophies. A small T.V. is mounted on the wall along with his desk where he's sitting in front of a window. 

Not to mention how messy it is. There are clothes strewn everywhere, a laptop, ear buds, papers, books and football gear all over the floor.

"When was that?" I ask. How long have I been sleeping for? What did Zack give me?

"It was around two last night. It's eleven now."

"In the morning?"

"Yeah." He studies me. "Do you, do you want to know what happened?"

"Yes." I assure.

"Okay so," Drew starts sitting up and drumming his fingers on his leg. "When I saw I had lost you I was freaking out. Ryan and I-"

"Wait, you and Ryan were working together. Are you sure he wasn't involved?"

Drew laughs. "No, he wasn't involved. Although I um almost killed him a few times but we managed. Anyways we eventually found you on the roof with Zack and Marina."

"Who- wait, that weird girl from the dancing competition?"

"Yeah. She kinda was using you for a human sacrifice." My eyes widen but than I laugh. I laugh so hard my stomach becomes soar.

"Did you just snort?" Drew chuckles. I sober up feeling my cheeks heat up.

"No. But that was a funny joke. What actually happened?"

"That is what happened. That girl is sycho. Marina, um killed herself," I draw in a deep breath. "once Ryan and I, well I mostly saved you. Honestly the whole thing was creepy as fuck."

"Oh my god. That's, that's really like horror movie material."

"No kidding." Drew laughs, dimples showing. "Are you hurt in any way?"

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