Chapter 22

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As promised here is Drew's POV. Thanks for the votes!

Drew's Point of View

"You were great!" Ashley exclaims to Quinn as she runs up to us in her tight little costume. They hug, Quinn completely engulfing Ashley's skinny frame. Ashley turns and gives me an expecting look.

"Oh yeah, saw every move. It was awesome." I assure.

"I'm so glad you liked it!" Quinn squeals. Jeez, this girls perkiness is overwhelming.

"What place did you get?" Ashley asks.

"Second!" A middle aged women in black yoga leggings and a tight sweatshirt makes her way up to us. "Mom!"

"Nice job Quinn. Of course there's a few things we can work on but overall, flawless." They embrace. "Oh! I have to go talk with Tara's mom, BRB." She goes, leaving the three of us.

A hot blonde in a tight costume, showing off her cleavage, comes up behind Quinn and suddenly cups her shoulders.

"Ah!" Quinn screams. "You scared me Kayla!"

"That was the point!" The girl says flipping her hair. "There's going to be a party tonight at Monica's house if you want to come. You guys are welcome too." She says eyeing Ashley and I.

"We'll be there." Quinn responds for us. Ashley looks like she wants to object but Quinn's gaze shuts her up.

"Great. See you guys there!" She says and leaves. Is she purposely swaying her ass or is that me?

"Quinn, I'm not going to a party. I'm just not really in the right state of mind for that."

"And that's exactly why you're going. I'll pick you up in two hours. Drew are you going?"

"Sure, why not." She smiles and avoids Ashley's death glare.

"Awesome! I'll see you guys later." Quinn whispers something in Ashley's ear causing her to blush. What did she say? Quinn waves goodbye and Ashley starts to make her way to the front door.

"Are you sure you want to go?" I ask catching up to her.

"No but looks like I don't have an option."

"Well at least you'll get out of these sweatpants. You know they kinda smell."

"Maybe I'll wear these pants just to spite you." She says placing her hands on her hips. She looks kinda cute with that whole badass look.

"You do that Barbie." She rolls her eyes at her nickname causing me to laugh.

"See you later Drew. And hey, thanks for sharing that about your sister. I'm sure it wasn't easy."

I'm taken aback by her thanks. It wasn't easy but I felt like telling her. Talking with Ashley is easy and she's a good listener. And she dated the douch so she should know what kind of guy he is.

"Your welcome Barbie and see you later." She smiles at me and walks over to her car.

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