Chapter 2

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I step outside of our house (more like a mansion) to a few paparazzi outside.

"Ashley! How is your dad's new movie coming along?"

"Can you give us any teasers?"

I ignore them all and plow my way over to my red convertible. When you're bombarded with these kinds of people your whole life, you know how to ignore them. I blast my radio, slip on my sunglasses and jump onto the main road.

"I thank God every day, that I woke up feelin' this way!" I belt out as I park my car at school. "And I can't help lovin' myself. And I don't need nobody else, nuh uh. If I was you, I'd wanna be me too, I'd wanna be me too, I'd wanna be me, too!" I find it funny that I love this song but I can't bring myself to believe the lyrics. I open my car door and climb out.

"Ashley! Hey!" I wave at a bunch of freshmen I've never met before. Welcome to the world of stardom-everyone thinks you're their friend. I straighten out my shirt and socks, making sure everything's in check before entering the school.

The doors blow my hair back as I push them open into a throng of people. Some people call out to me and others just gave me dirty looks. I can't help but shy away, as I can feel their judging stares boring into me.

"Ashley! Wait up!" A hand grasps my arm and I instinctively pull it away not wanting anyone to feel the fat on my arm.

"Oh, touchy." I whip around ready to give this person a piece of my mind but stop when I see that's it Quinn, my best friend. I give her a big bear hug.

"Quinn, I didn't know it was you, sorry." I explain.

"Apology accepted. Love your outfit by the way." Quinn steps back and admires my clothes. Anyone else I would shy away but Quinn's not anyone else.

"Thanks, you don't look so bad yourself." And she really doesn't. Quinn has on an orange dress stopping at mid high paired with tan wedges. Actually I think we bought those on our last shopping day.

"Come on. I have to show you something." She grabs my arm and yanks me off, almost causing me to fall. I follow her up the stairs and into the locker area. On our way up I get more whistles and hellos from people who think I'm their friend.

"There." She says pointing to some guy.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Don't you see? He's gorgeous and new!" Quinn squeals. "Do you think I have a chance?" The guy isn't bad looking. He has blonde hair and a nice looking face. His arms and legs look muscled, his only downside is he's really short.

"Sure, Quinn. If you don't mind going to prom with him wearing the heels."

"Whatever. I'm going to go talk to him."

"Knock yourself out." I snicker as she runs over to Shorty. Quinn and I have been friends since forever. She's one of the few people in my life I know are there for me as a person and not my looks or fame. She also knows about my relationship with food and doesn't judge me for it.

All of a sudden, as I'm watching Quinn flirt with Shorty, I feel a hand grasp my butt. I slap it away as I turn around to none other than Zack, quarterback of our football team. I dated him last year, but he can't seem to understand that we're done.

"Hey babe. You look hot." I sneer in disgust and turn around, walking away.

"Hey wait!" He jogs to my side. "Usually when someone gives you a compliment you say thanks."

"Zack, just go away. And don't touch me again."

"Mm, feisty today. I like it, Ashley. No wonder you got the guys lining up for you."

"They're not lining up for me, they're lining up to get a taste of fame. Just like you."

"I won't deny it, but I like that I am one of the only ones that got to call you mine. See you later, babe." Zack turns on his heel and walks over to another girl. Once a player, always a player.

I head into my third hour calc class to find some girl sitting in my seat.

"Hello?" I say to her and her face instantly brightens.

"Hi Ashley, I love your hair." She giggles. I give her a slight nod, not in the mood for her fangirling.

"I think you're in my seat."

"Oh no. We got new seats today. The seating chart is on the whiteboard." Sure enough up front there is a crowd of people looking for their new seats.

"You're welcome!" She calls after me as I make my way to the front of the class. I locate my new seat and sit down, dropping my bag and grabbing my phone to pass the time.

"Hey buddy," a male voice says. I look up to see a guy taking the seat next to me. He has dirty blonde hair and bright green eyes.

"Hi," I reply, going back to my phone.

"I'm Ryan," he says in an attempt to make conversation.

"I'm Ashley."

"Ha, I know. Everyone knows." Of course they do. I look over at him again to see him eyeing me.

"What?" I ask him self consciously. He just smiles at me.

"Nothing." Just then Mr. Helgrim walks in ready to start the class.

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