Chapter 21 - Digging for Answers

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Lily stopped work on her French essay, put her pen down, and pushed the book aside before turning around in her seat to look at Duncan. He was laying on her bed, scrolling through his phone. He looked deathly bored, waiting for her to finish her homework so they could do something. "Do you know anything about curses?" Lily asked.

His head popped up like a frightened deer, as if surprised by the sound of her voice. "Curses? Sure, I know a bit." He then narrowed his eyes, suspiciously. "Why? Are you thinking of cursing someone?"

Lily told him about Jack's situation and about what they had talked about the day before.

"Jack is a werewolf!" Duncan jumped up off the bed. "Like a for-real, honest-to-God werewolf!?"

"Yes," Lily said.

"I mean, I knew there was stuff other than witches—my book said as much—I just never thought I'd actually meet any of them."

"What book?" she asked, her curiosity suddenly piqued.

"My family has a book filled with spells and potions. Just a bunch of stuff about magic and the supernatural."

"Why haven't you told me about this before?" she asked, trying to conceal her hurt that he had kept a secret from her.

"I honestly haven't thought about it since we moved here. My mom keeps it locked in a trunk in her closet. It's the reason I know so much about witches and spells. Not that it does me any good. I still can't cast a decent spell to save my save my life."

Duncan came over to take her hand. He pulled her up out of her chair and put his arms around her. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just forgot about it. Forgive me?"

"Of course." Lily hooked her arms around his neck, drawing him in for a kiss.

After a few minutes, she broke away to speak, "I'd really like to see that book."

"I'll bring it over tomorrow." he said. "Now, can I kiss you again?"

He leaned in, but just before their lips met she placed her hand over his mouth. "I promised Jack that I would try to help him. If that book can help, I really need to see it."

Duncan nodded. "And I'll get it. I promise."

"Okay," she said. "You can kiss me, now."


Lily was impatient to see this book that contained the secrets of magic. She couldn't sit still the entire day in school. She even faked a migraine to get out of cheering at the away game, so she could go directly home after school, eager to learn everything she could.

The doorbell rang shortly after she arrived home. She raced down the stairs as soon as she felt Duncan's presence, but Anderson got there first. "Ah, Mr. Cavanaugh. Come in." He stepped aside to let Duncan in.

"Dude, I've told you to call me Duncan."

Lily answered for Anderson: "That'll never happen." Lily grabbed Duncan by the arm to drag him up the stairs.  "We're going to be studying, Anderson." Lily called out over the banister, as she raced upstairs. "No distractions please. We are not to be disturbed."

"Yes, Miss Lily," Anderson said.

When they were safely shut up in her room, Lily wanted to straight to business. "Where is it?" She could hardly contain her excitement. She would've locked the door; if the door had a lock to be locked. Maybe she would magic herself up one, one of these days, she thought.

"Hello to you, too." Duncan gave her a cheek kiss.

"Hi," she said. "Now, where is it?"

Duncan took off his backpack and produced a tattered musty old piece of leather that had some folded papers stuffed inside with a string tied around it. She would hardly call that thing a book. And it most certainly did not look magical. Not in the least.

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