Chapter 7 - Intoxicated

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Dianna was like a dog with a bone, hounding Lily about her moment with Duncan. Lily wished she hadn't told her about it. In the lunch line, Lily finally snapped. "He didn't offer up his life story, Dianna." Her voice was much harsher than she had intended. The other students around them looked at Lily like she was off her meds. Dianna just looked hurt.

Lily took a deep breath. With a mournful sigh, she apologized.

"I forgive your heinous behavior." Dianna said, sounding every bit the martyr. "But only because you're my best friend. And because I need you to do a little recon for me."

Lily rolled her eyes. Recon was Dianna's code for a psychic background check. Usually on a boy that she was interested in. "On who?"

"Evan Samuels." Dianna pointed to a cute boy across the cafeteria, seated with the lacrosse team. "He's in your World History class. I checked. I want to make sure that he isn't seeing anyone or, like, you know, batting for the boys' team, if you know what I mean."

Lily understood perfectly. "I don't know why I do these things for you."

"Because I am an amazing and giving best friend." Dianna tried. Lily leveled an incredulous look at her. "Because you love me, and I know all of your secrets."

"Fine. But it'll have to wait a few days. I'm a bit busy with my own boy drama without adding yours to my pile."

"I'm all chills, babe. As long as some wench doesn't scoop him up first."

Lily smiled. "So, does this mean that you'll stop bugging me about Duncan?"

"Yes, it does." Dianna said.

As they finally began to move forward in the lunch line, Dianna asked, "So, what's up with the whole Jack sitch?"

Lily groaned and plopped her head down on the plastic food wall. There was a knocking and she heard a gruff voice say, "Stop that. Move along." Lily looked up to see the old lunch lady wearing a sour expression. Her hairnet looked like it was cutting off the circulation to her brain. Lily heard, Spoiled brat, cross the woman's mind.

Dianna giggled and wrapped her arm around Lily's shoulders pushing her forward.

Hilary was seated at the same table they'd had yesterday. Eric was with her feeding her a bite of cake with his fork. He then proceeded to eat the rest. Hilary's smile as they approached was a bit too wide. Lily could tell that Hilary was trying to hide something.

"And how are the lovely lovebirds today?" Dianna asked sweetly.

"We're great." Hilary said. There was a strain in her voice.

"Can you believe those four are sitting together?" Eric asked. Hilary turned to glare at him. "What?" he asked. "We were just talking about it."

"Who?" Lily could see in Hilary's mind that this was what she was hiding. She was trying desperately to think of a way to change the subject.

"Veronica and Sara; they're with that Robbie kid and I can't remember the other guy's name." Eric offered as Hilary elbowed him in the gut.

"What was that for?" Eric looked confused as he rubbed his stomach.

"His name is Bobby." Hilary corrected. She sounded annoyed, but that had more to do with the fact that he'd said anything than getting the name wrong.

Lily's eyes widened. She turned to see Duncan with Bobby. Veronica's blood red claws were stroking Duncan's arm. The very same arm that Lily had held onto earlier. Veronica laughed, loud enough that Lily could hear her from three tables over. Lily didn't find it amusing in the least.

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