Chapter 7

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Stella was clumsily passing through the canteen in hope for Wallace's site as she trotted along with the huge line to buy some lamb stew for lunch and seat with her. But her curly blond hair and jolly footsteps with an angry approach was nowhere to be felt even with the presence of Stella's sharp ears and sensitive brown eyes.

She was actually terrified that Wallace might have deducted her from the ploy because of her father's behavior at the restaurant.

That nutter ox.

Stella wasn't even ashamed to reckon the word 'Bastard' suitable for her father as well. His tyranny had not reduced a bit since the deal was settled at the cafe'.

She signed it up for the sake of her father who was going reckless because of the vendetta but his condition hadn't improved an inch. He continued to act weird at the peak of her arrival at home.

She stopped using the word home for a couple of days as it felt not much nicer than the dungeons. At first, she was thinking about going to the physicist who sat at the hospital in Rival Streets. He was such a handsome fellow who had tall features and dark brown hair but she changed her mind.

No one would go to the physicist if one's father was as infamous as Christos Davelis and how the effect was nothing but endless days at the custody and going on with methadone dose over his whole married life. No wonder it would be easy for any doctor to reckon that his father had been especially tortured in the custody for the bloody crimes he committed.

It was the worst crime her father had committed in his life that might have resulted in his own assassination. Stella never knew that she was meant to be Stella Medlock Develis , if she hadn't read her father's diary that was in the fire place previously.

She stole it from the fire place and burnt papers, instead ;to pretend that her dad's mission was actually successful as she slyly observed him collecting the ashes timidly.

At the age of 8 she got to know that her father was no better than Angus MacLeod who  got his punishment. But it took her another 10 years  to figure out the main thing.

Christos Davelis A.K.A Antony Dring had been in the jail for the crimes he committed. His addiction for drugs as horrible as Heroin and much more unethical money laundering. 

At last he was caught to have murdered a wealthy merchant that resulted him to his fate. He was released after 20 years in the dungeon and faked his own death in Manchesta causing him to slip into this  small town. Wiping away the marks of his crime and even his name to finally marry and live a stable life in Zephyr Borough. 

Stella doubted that her mother hardly knew about it but even if the heaven in just a myth of some religious people, her father's love for her mother was as real as the destruction he caused in the house. 

She sat on the only empty table in the canteen. All the teachers were gulping coffee and laughing at their staffs jokes but she was too unfamiliar with the senior teachers and for some reason they avoided her as much as possible if it hadn't come to Sofia Walker's case with Leo Jones.

Both of them had separate detentions with her as noone was willing to take in . Their behavior reminded Stella much of her father. Sofia was accused of throwing the blade of the big Anti- cutter during Biology.

But Leo wasn't the fresh leaf there. After a lot of bragging, consoling ( Stella hated to console) and at last swearing, Stella was able to get the cause out of him. 

He was showing the middle finger to Sofia  whenever she was intending to go to the washroom. He even used the 4 letters beginning with B  to harass her.

Kids were becoming totally dirty little bastards before 18. Stella would have gone to murder him if she was in her place. But she didn't dare support the stubborn Sofia who refused to attend her detentions  every single day. 

She was the reason why, Stella had to skip classes in her favorite grade in School. They were all so quiet and understanding that she wished to stay in their class all the time. She hated to say that she loved everybody, everytime some immature pupils asked her which grade was her favorite while her mind was always in that grade.

Sofia was really stubborn to understand that she might have blinded him if fate was a little downward as she always refused to write a paragraph every detention to understand the values of friendship and co operation. 

Stella didn't yet acknowledge the truth and kept on not believing her although from heart, she knew that the girl wasn't entirely wrong. The boy was the easiest to go.

As she savored her meal of lamb stew and some chips, a tall man strided on the seat opposite to her. He had a moustache which made her  almost jump in astonishment but controlled herself. His black hair was greasy and his body smelled of cigarettes. 

" Mind if I join?" asked man although he had already settled on it with his platter of beef strips and lettuce salad.

Don't seat next to me, bastard.

" Sure, no problem." said Stella faking a smile and trying to finish her meal as fast as she could to get out of his sight. 

" You know the news, Miss Dring." said  the man impatiently  gobbling  his salad with a mouth full. 

" What news?" asked  Stella disinterestedly.

Much to her disgust, he leaned near her ear with the food in his mouth. She could smell the nasty breath of cigarettes breaking through her cheeks. 

" Elspeth Wallace is in a coma." 

Stella could have almost fell from the chair if he hadn't held it. She couldn't believe it.  Wallace was just fine a couple of days ago. The smell was of cigarettes were making it hard to breath as the food stuck midway to her throat.

All she was saying in the 4 walls of her brains that

It can't be possible.

She looked for the tall man but he had already disappeared within the crowd carrying the smell of cigar near her nostrils.

Within moments Stella found herself persuing  the headmaster to take a leave for the day and march towards the drive way. 

What would happen to the  ploy if she passed away ? 

Another injustice would always mark the town of Zephyr Borough as MacLeod's sinister smile would continue to cause silent deaths to his targeted ones .  Deaths that could never be explained to the police as an attempted murder because of his vast political authority.

The Sinister Ploy of Assassinationजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें