Chapter 4

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Stella Medlock Dring was awfully  tired at the number of times she had to beg Elpseth Wallace to believe her every teacher's break. It was the most daunting task ever if you consider Wallace's rage and her sudden outburst of anger. She was always skeptical when any of the students in middle school exceeded over 80 or got an A+. Her suspicions were completely normal regarding the fact that Stella got to know that Wallace herself ran an assassination plot.

Her vision over her pair of High powered spectacles were much note worth than any other person in Zephyr Borough and Stella herself sometimes could not deny applauding herself through the 4 walls of her mind. 

Wallace's skepticism about every single stinking thing proved that. Her sudden outbursts of anger and how her tone slightly changed to disgust  at the mention of the name during meetings about inviting guests  at School programme. 

For several consecutive months, Stella spent the lunch time persuing her to let her join in her ploy. Often flattering her and expressing disgust about Angus MacLeod just as much as Wallace did. 

It wasn't until May that she succeeded to persue her completely . To  bravely pass her test of Trust and non-betrayal commitment. 

" I want that bloody swine to be dead just as you want." said Stella at last. " And so does my dad."

She noticed the satisfaction in Wallace's face. Her curly blond hair and  shining green eyes were telling it. And so did the tapping sound on the table confirm her enthusiasm. 

Stella turned left towards the EDEN GARDEN ROAD and took a U turn towards the sign written MISTRESS Streets. Her hands were tapping on the side of the gear with cheer and happiness. It felt like a huge part of the body weight getting free after 20 years. 

She couldn't believe it. 20 years had passes since that little 10 year old Stella saw her mother influenced to death in that white piece of paper she had written before committing her action to never come back to the world. To never come back to her .

She rang the bell. Her father was really acting like a devil for the past 10 years. He had gotten that sort of Vendetta against MacLeod just like Stella who had thought of it all through her teenage life. She still couldn't forget that  mustache and those cunning pair of eyes. 

She had hidden MacLeod's picture ( she printed it from one of her friends faking to admire him) right inside her drawer where she kept her project materials and used to stab the picture with all her might late at night when her mother's voice haunted her to jolt back to reality out of her haunting nightmares. 

There stood Stella in front of the door then, knowing from no rushing sound from inside that her father was into another destructive activity. 

It wasn't unusual that her Dad didn't bother to open the door, it happened pretty often lately. She rushed to take the spare key from her car and opened the door, hastily.

" That swine is still alive!" shrieked a dense voice followed by  an array of the sounds of broken glasses. " He is still alive." 

No wonder it was  Antony Dring. Her only person in the entire world.

Stella rushed towards the dining room, warm liquids of intense pain and frustration flowing through her cheeks.  

Her head felt dizzy at the scene created on the floor. A broken frame lay on the floor. On one side laid the pieces of the mug that was gifted by MacLeod engraving her mother's name. While on the other side, she noticed a whole glass bottle of wine smashed on the floor.

" What the Freaking hell are you here for?" shrieked Antony who was sitting on the dining chair clutching a mug of coffee.

Stella wiped away her tears and passed the array of broken pieces of glasses careful not to cut her toes in it and reached her father who was on the verge of throwing the coffee mug at her but restrained himself. She knew that his effect had worn away. It had been occurring ever since her mother died. But didn't last more than 10 minutes or so. 

That devilish feature of Antony Dring was pretty common nowadays. Stella was tired of the mess he made, every afternoon before she came home. Although after bringing himself to his usual self he would try to clean it up but Stella mostly had to do the major part.

" I HAVE TAUNTING NEWS TODAY, DAD." said Stella settling beside her father and pulling herself to be strong. 

" Didj yeh geh a pay rise?" said Antony disinterestedly.

" Something much better than that , I bet."


Stella couldn't believe her luck. Elpseth Wallace had called her over the public telephone to have dinner together at the new Cafe~ Bon Appétit  with her father.

Within 9 PM she was soaring through the EDEN GARDEN ROAD to join Wallace taking her car to almost 100 M/H.  Finally the rich decor of Bon Appétit came to site. Stella pushed through the crowd along with the crowd to finally spot a hint of the blond curls.

Wallace was sitting at the most quiet place of the space. Clutching the morning news late at 9. Attentively scanning through an article. 

She didn't even realize that they were standing until, Stella cleared her throat.

" You must be Mr.Dring." said Wallace keeping her eyes out of the paper at last. 

" Pleasure to meet you, Miss Wallace." said Antony shaking hands with her. They settled down after ordering the meal.

" You know the hot news, Miss Dring?" 

Stella raised her eye borrows in interrogation as she was never a huge fan of newspapers.

" A group bombed at the reforestation programme, last week. It was said to have been attempted to only the stage, luckily no one is injured and that swine is just hospitalized for a week and got released. That is why I got the urge to break the mugs, I bet." said Antony.

" And we will do something much more planned, If you all cooperate." muttered Wallace. 

" Those group of nutters are in the  custody now. Such a shame!"

" What caused your vendetta against him, Mr.Dring?"

" Murdered  my mum." said Stella before her father could start swearing in the public. " And what about you?"

" Finished my brother." said  Wallace absurdly. " And almost made me a stray."

Silence followed as they signed dozens of documents once in a while and ate in silence. Until suddenly Antony stormed, " I get to put the knife on him, any way. Cut his bloody tongue."

Stella knew that her father had returned to her devil state. She appologised to the silent Wallace and ushered his father out of the door before hearing her last word.


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