Chapter 6

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Thomas Comarty was striding through the school halls in pride along with his best mate Robert  Reething . He must be on cloud nine judging by the way he was licking his lips over and over again. Even if he never admitted it, he knew it really well that  deep inside his chest, surrounded by muscles, blood streams and caged inside the rib bones was his pumping heart that might have burst by that moment.

He was awfully nervous about the action  they will be committing in Miss Wallace's double English lessons.  He, Robert and the new American boy from that class would be trying out cigarette for the first time along with a trio of seniors. They were pro in smoking judging by the blackness of their lips that made Thomas worry the hell out of him. 

His beautiful lips were always a sense of pride in his mother . She always boasted about it when he was just  6 or so.  That made inviting a friend over his house pretty impossible as it would result mockery of puffy baby lips the next day.

Their previous English teacher Simon Everett  stuffed them with a double English lessons with Miss Wallace just a month before. Luckily, she was  dumber than him. They knew that Miss Wallace could be convinced with any story the first time  Jack Thatcher fully convinced her to delay his punishment after throwing the duster at Sofia's face.

All one have to cope with is her screaming and avoid using MacLeod's discussion in class. It was much of an easier plan.

At first, that new American boy named Ethan James would come out of the class ( Thomas objected in that considering his over thinking and nervous attitude. It was a surprise that being the classic nerd of his class, he willingly took part in it.) and signal them through the window.

He assured that their Math teacher in his section was alright. Miss Stella was one of the sweetest teachers in St.Lumina .

Then one by one will get out of the class. Robert would excuse himself out to submit his draft assignment to Mr. Everett  while  Thomas would simply go to the washroom and pretend to do the Number 2. Anyone hardly would notice them striding over the school fence and getting at the large grassy meadow beside. That would be perfect.

But still Thomas suffered from guilt. He had enough guilt to hold already with Robert as his best friend. His parents hated the Reethings because of their devotion to Angus MacLeod. 

What is wrong with being devoted to someone as worthy, ethical and modest as Mr.MacLeod?  His mother told weird tales about MacLeod. Like, He had  imported drugs which no one knew of but the targeted ones. The families he targeted for friendship, trust and support and then lure them with his gifts. 

Gifts that were the last bit of his targeted men or women remaining. He mainly targeted women for sharing his bed which was the reason of his unmarried life. Once the targeted women rejected, he would lure them to suicide or other unnamed methods of murder which would be enough to hide his crime and report the death as a natural consequence or attempted suicide due to internal affairs. While the men were to help him with the most sinister gangs in town who were mostly accused of Robbery, theft and murder. 

Once that man rejected, it would bring the same consequence as the women. Perished to death for believing their friend. 

At first, it seemed reasonable to believe. Once Thomas got to know that his grandparents were one of the many victims perished to death because of their ethical view. But as his friendship grew deeper with Thomas, it felt ridiculous to believe that. 

Angus MacLeod was a man of true words and great systems of justice. He repaired 2 roads upon his arrival ( it wasn't that much affected but still it would have been in the near future.) and made several Reforestation programmes. He was the true hero of the town as he helped Robert's family overcome their financial loss but there was a bad crisis as his aunts died with the same type of cancer. It was just a coincidence and that had nothing to do with Mr. MacLeod.

The class was as busy as ever with its lively chatters and girls bursting into laughter at  Sofia's nerdy jokes.

" You know why leaves are green?" said Sofia as everyone gathered in their seats.

" Well, we learned biology ,didn't we?" snapped Richard another disgusting boy  who was overly obsessed about Biology.  " It is because of the chloroplasts inside it. RIDICULOUS!"

Sofia simply smiled as she eyed him through her pair of round spectacles.  It was obvious that the joke was intended to him.

" Partially right, Richard but you got out of the main point." snarled Sofia. 

" Because the chloroplasts inside the plants are always on diarrhea and pukes to make it green. That's why most leaves tastes bitter and gross."

The whole class roared with laughter but just then a muscular figure shrieked, " WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS THIS!"

Mr. Everett entered the class with a groan as everyone fearfully settled in their seats. 

" So folks, Miss Wallace is absent and so I will be conducting your class. Ready your texts."

Thomas's heart was broken into thousand tiny pieces as he looked at Robert in disappointment.

That bastard would never allow them to go outside even if the hell breaks loose

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