Chapter 15 Don't Wake Sleeping Beauty

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Chapter 15 

When I asked Zen to be my guide at sea, I expected that I would be traveling on a big pirate ship. Not some small fisherman boat. Actually, it was the biggest boat there. It has a cottage that can fit two people, including a small storage area to keep our clothes and food, and a separate toilet at the very back. It also has a decent sail to catch the wind, at least according to Zen while we were scouting for boats to take on the voyage.

It was a nice boat, but it would have been better if there were beds instead of hammocks. I wasn't used to the sleeping arrangement that night so I could not sleep. It was so uncomfortable!

And even if it were comfortable, I don't think that I would still be able to sleep considering how loudly Zen was snoring. I will not deny that I was having murderous thoughts that night, but with the rushing tides shaking the boat, I don't have the heart to get up because I have a feeling that I will be sick. I don't know what time I managed to sleep, but by some miraculous blessing, I managed to get some rest.

I don't think that I have slept that long since I remember nothing of my sleep when I am awoken to a loud gagging noise. Light shines from the circular window on my right side, completely waking me up from my sleep. I stare out the window like I am in a daze wondering how I got here in the first place. It seems like my head is still in the clouds because, no matter how hard I try to think, nothing comes to mind.

I would have called it a peaceful day until the gagging noise that woke me up suddenly became loud and clear.

Ah, yes. Now my mood is ruined.

It took me a while to get up because I was getting out of a hammock while on a boat? Yeah, not easy for a first timer like me. It took me more tries than I would have liked before I managed to get out of the hammock. When I did, I fell to my side and planted my face on the wooden deck.

Why couldn't Zen have chosen a boat with beds on it!?

Fortunately, the tides during the day are more calm compared to how they are at night. With this, I don't have to worry about my balance.

I hear the barfing noise again, making me head for the door to check who was making such a noise. The first one I spotted was Zen fishing on the left side of the boat, whistling softly, and sitting on the railing, looking carefree. On the other side of the railing is Myrr. His waist is on the edge and his upper body is facing the sea as he continues to vomit.

Zen turns to me upon hearing the door of the cabin open. He grins. "Hey, sleepin' beauty. Nice to see ya' finally awake." He greets me, looking completely oblivious to the current state of Myrr.

Whose fault does he think it is that I woke up late? I wanted to tell him but I decided to hold my tongue.

"What did you do to him?"
"I didn't do anythin' to him." Zen shrugs. The short movement highlighted his chest muscles, which are completely exposed since he didn't button his shirt. It's understandable since he does have a wound on his stomach, but because of how naturally he acts, this makes me wonder if stripping is his hobby on a regular basis. "I told him to get back on the water, but he just dun listen." Zen shakes his head.

"Sorry, but I am not following."

"The idiot has sea sickness." Zen says, almost laughing. "Pretty ironic, isn't it?"

Myrr briefly pulls himself back to glare at Zen. Myrr has a natural tanned skin, but right now, he looks a little pale. Even his lips look like they are slowly turning purple. "There's nothing funny about this!" As soon as Myrr said it, he went back to leaning his body on the edge of the boat and let out whatever he ate yesterday in the market.

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